Recording drum beats in Cakewalk


New member
First off... I'm the newest of newbies, but all ears to learning.

I finally mastered the concept of saving my drum data (Roland R8) to disk using SysEx data. That is fairly straighforward (I used a DOS tool called MDT to handle data transfers).

Now I would like to try and save my beats in Cakewalk (Pro Audio 9 is the version I have) as MIDI. I did some searches on the net for 'Cakewalk newbie' and 'cakewalk how-to' and so on, but didn't locate any sites aimed at the young and clueless.

So, I have my r-8 plugged into my computer and Cakewalk on the screen. What's next?

Thanks in advance!
I'll take the plunge. I dont know cakewalk and I assume your roland is your drum machine. Shouldn't you? plug your midi out from the roland into the joystick port on your computer and assigning it somehow in cakewalk as the midi port you are using, arm a track in cakewalk, preferably 10, play the roland and record it in midi???? You may have to set the midi channel out on the roland etc, I dont really know but it cant be to hard?
I just reread your post and am not exactly sure what you are trying to do but if you are triggering the drum machine from the computer shouldnt you do just about the same as above and go the oppisite direction????
I dont know what sysex files are???? Are they midi files?
Don't you love that cake walk support out there? I am a fellow cakewalk user and I figured everyone knows cakewalk the web should be loaded with forums. Ya right!