Recording DI guitar and Noise Floor Issues


New member
Hey People,

I've been recording my elec. guitar into my M-Audio FW 410 interface for quite a few years now (still total n00b status though), and then sending that guitar signal into Amplitube or Guitar Rig.

The problem I'm sick of at this point is the seemingly unavoidable noise whenever I use an amp sim with a high gain setting: that soft, TV snow/static, heavy rain outside your house sound. When I record guitar, I have to kick up the signal gain knob of the interface a bit in order for my direct signal to be peaking in the -10 to -12dBfs area in Pro Tools. In doing so, however, that brings up in the dreaded noise.

I've heard excellent things about the preamps in Apogee's Duet interfaces, and I'm thinking of upgrading to a Duet 2 within the next month (the upgrade in A/D, D/A quality alone would be worth it). However, despite all the good stuff I've been hearing about Apogee preamps, I want to make sure that boosting the signal gain on the Duet won't give me similar noise problems when I use distortion in Amplitube. Any other bedroom recording guitarists in here who can attest to the quality of the Duet or any other similarly priced interfaces in terms of the amount of noise when recording? Thanks!

Oh and since I know it's coming--yes, I do use noise gating, and while it does mitigate the problem when I'm not strumming/picking, I'd still like a cleaner tone. And yes, I know amp sims are 'totally lame' but I have no other alternative right now!:)
A tube guitar amp, even if it's a software simulation, is by its very nature noisy.
You take away the noise, you then take away any balls. This is what gates are for.
indeed. I'm not looking for any sterile sounding, neutered guitars. But I don't want noisy preamps adding to the sound of the amp sim. Perhaps a better question would have been, when you crank up the preamps on somthing like a Duet 2 or an RME Babyface, or any other quailty interface, are you going to get a lot of noise (without any plugin on at all, even). Because I'm definitely getting quite a bit with the FW 410!
Your guitar is wide open just to get that out of the way?
I don't do much direct (and don't know that unit) but I would expect any decent inst input would be pretty clean.