*recording demos*


New member
Hi there!

i am recording a demo for my band at the moment (Violent Antagonist) and thought, 'i wonder how other people record a drum kit, guitar, bass and vocals using the smallest amount of gear and least amount of processing/FX possible...'

so, here it is. how do you all do it?

the band is a thrash metal band so distorted guitars (marshall valvestate 100, boss HM-3, jackson/esp with dimebuckers), aggressive vocals through an SM58) and quick kick drum work. I record live...

SM57 on the guitar cab pulled back about, a D112 on the bass cab (or DI'd, depending on how i feel). an XY pair of NT5s behind the kit and vocals through head phones.

Yes, this has a very primitive sound, but this is what i want from a (thrash) demo. i want it to have the rough edge that suits this style of music and capturing the energy of the songs is best through a live recording.

thoughts/criticisms on this method and improvements? how do you record your demos?
The first question I ask is:

What is the purpose of the demo (who's it for, and what is it supposed to accomplish)?

A demo for getting club gigs is not the same as a demo for a recording contract, or for showing new band members the songs.
That doesn't sound 'cheap' to me.

I just layer takes instead of doing it all at once. Saves the number of mics needed. When I have recorded all at once, I just used a pair of mics about 10 feet back.

fix levels on the equimpment as best as i can on the mixer then go into the 2 inputs of my cheap lil recorder.

it sounds very 'live' (translation: its crusty)
for a 'demo' I don't see why it wouldn't work though.