Recording delays in Cakewalk PA9


New member
PLease help if you can!!!

Whe I try to record any wav files in realtime in CW, it sound fine when I'm recording, but when I play the song back, there is a split second delay in the recently recorded track, and the whole thing sounds out of time.
somebody mentioned something to do with Buffer settings or something but I have not been able to find any info on this.
Please help cos this is driving me nuts.


Hi Scott,

I use HS2002 so it might be different to PA9, but maybe not so different.

Try going to Options> Audio> General and move the slider to the left and right to see what happens. You might have to hit Wave Profiler each time you make an adjustment. Also, try different values in the Buffers. The lower the number, the less latency but at greater risk of a drop-out. (I think). Mine is set at 6 buffers and the slider is three quarters over to the left.

Also, Options> Audio > Advanced, play around with the I/O Buffer size . Mine is set at 1024 which is far higher than the manual says but it works for me.

Also, make sure input monitoring is disabled. Your list of Input devices should not be highlighted.

Best of luck.

Make sure that you have your audio card set as your recording and playback do go to Options>Audio the general tab and select your sound card from the drop down menu...

Also go to Options>Project and the clock tab..make sure you have audio selected..

As far as the buffer settings the lower settings would give you better results while recording...dont be afraid to raise the buffers when the track count increases and more signal processing is being applied to your wave files..

Also...a good habit to the wave profiler prior to recording especially if you are changing any parameters that effect recoring and playback or switching between audio cards..

Hope this helps!
Well, Scott, living in Lancashire, one more thing to try, is Input Monitoring de-activated? It needs to be. Options > Audio> Input Monitoring, make sure all listed devices are de-selected, i.e. not highlighted. If they are highlighted, click on them to de-select.

Also, what is your system spec, puter, memory, operating system, & soundcard? Also, what are you trying to record? Audio, midi, soundfonts or Dxi. Describe your hook-up. Don't despair, there is a logical answer to this.

I am using a PIII 700, 256Mb Ram, Windows XP, Soundblaster Live.
I have been using this machaine and cakewalk for 2 1/2 years without any problems.

I am trying to record audio.

