Recording Dedicated Computers


New member
Hello, I have been looking into getting a new soundcard or whole new computer for recording. I would like to get a whole new computer if I can. But, the ones out now are very expensive that have the best things in them. I was thinking, is there any computer out there that is totaly dedicated to recording music? I would like a system to be as cheap as possible and get some things out of there that have nothing to do with recording to lower the cost. Is there such a thing? Could I possibly have Dell or Gateway build me one? Anything could help!! Thanks

You could also, with a little help from your friends, build your own. I've taken this path. I bought a nice big case (lots of room for future expansion), ABit BE6 mobo (expandable to accommodate new Intel processors and with softmenu to tweak CPU etc settings), Intel celeron 300a CPU (overclockable to about 450MH). For audio, use Intel if possible. There are a growing number of audio software makers who are optimising their products for the higher-end chip's floating point capabilities. What this means is greater speed + more tracks + more on-board effects you can run.

Once you get to know your system, you can tweak it, add to it etc TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS.

Worth considering. So far, building my own system (apart from one mistake I made) has been real easy.

Howdy Shawn,
I have seen computers advertised in EM that are optimized for multitrack recording. The catch is they are expensive. You can get all of the parts you need to build a decent computer from parts available via mail order.
One good source is Computer Shopper. There are sources on the net too. Then you will have to buy the sound card you need/want for your type of recording. My computer and sound card including video monitor and 2 hard drives a 10gig & 20gig including WIN98 cost me $1700.00 including tax and shipping.

Hope this helps.

Hello, thank you Jess,C7Sus and Grizzly for replying. You guys really helped me a lot. Thank you again!

I ordered a Dell, with out all the bells and whistles for my system i got a 27gig hd 450mhz pent3 40x cdrom Read/write cdrom 17" sony trintron monitor, standrd keyboard, the only thing inside is the video card my Motu pci card and a network card, that i have networked to the other around 1800.00..or 54.00 a month..for the rest of my life ....just kidding.. but i am real happy with the dell ....Tdf