Recording Bass - LMIDI/RTAS


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Title is: Recording Bass - MIDI/RTAS

Just thought i would get your experiences on recording bass inside your DAW and your techniques on it.
I am not a "Bass-guy" and i am not too experienced with low end in mixes. i am just really finding it difficult to control it.

The main reason i find it difficult is when i record bass-lines in Pro Tools,
i always end up having so much variety in velocity and pitch according to what note i am playing on the bass.

I find that some notes give me a certain pitch and match with the song, while some don´t, and the same goes for the velocity.
With the velocity though, i doesn´t matter if i turn it down in the MIDI-window, it´s still muddy at that exact note.

I´ve tried compression but it doesn´t seem to work that well..

Any suggestions on how to deal with this?
use 2 or more bass tracks , 1 with the direct signal and other with the amp signal , try to eq the direct signal for the lower frewuencies and de amp signal for the mids
Generally speaking, bass guitar tones in the area between 100-200hz muddy up a mix really fast. Also, a lack of presence in the 400-800hz range doesn't give you a chance to "hear" the note. A little cutting of the low mids before compression, then a little boost of midrange after compression generally works decently.