Recording at a distance.


New member
I would like to videotape and record my kids recital performances with the best possible quality and the least amount of hassle (in terms of setup). I don't want to look like a crazy person putting microphones near the kids instrument when they perform.

Normally the distance away from the performance is between 12 and 25 ft.

What is the best way to record these performances? (Directional microphone?)

You don't mention what kind of performances these are or how many people you need to focus on.
From that distance you're kinda limited though.

You could either go with a boundary mic on the ground near the group and a discreet cable running to your recording device…whatever that is, or go with a shotgun mic on the camera.

If you go with a boundary mic, just be careful with placement. If the is is a stage with children walking, you'll want to isolate it from the ground somehow; That might not be ideal.

Give us more. :)
okay, some details:

1. possible performance types:
a. piano recital
b. guitar / voice recital
c. drums recital/concert.

2. conditions
a. normally not a lot of people running on/off a stage.
b. only care about my kids performance (i.e. I am not the performance videographer).
c. usually indoors with lousy to moderate acoustics.
d. there may be circumstances where i can wire a cable to a mic, but normally not.
You would not look like a crazy person putting microphones on a stage... you will look like a cool hip audio engineer person whose acquaintance people will want to cultivate.. and you'll get better recordings.

Thank me later.. :D
The shotgun mic seems to have ousted the parabolic reflector but the latter is still the best way for "reach" and you really DO look geeky waving one of those jobbies about!

If cables are a problem (H&S job'sworths) look into hiring a radio mic?

Just get a decent digital camera that does video. I have a Sony WX80 (I think that's the model) shoots 16MP stills and HD 1080 video, has 2 built-in mics that actually record decent sound except if it is too loud (front of stage rock and roll for example). Fits in my pocket, runs an hour on a battery charge, uses standard memory cards.
Want better sound, pickup a Zoom H2n, set it on the floor near the front of the stage to record audio, and combine it with the video with any video software.