Recording and mixing in pt 10 or 11 and mastering with 8 and better plugins


New member

I have Pro Tools 8 LE on a 2009 iMac with some great Waves mastering and other plugins. I was told if I update to the latest Mac operating system, the Waves plugins won't work. (I won't be able to upgrade the Waves plugins for various reasons)

If I get a new Mac mini or other new Mac with pro tools 10 or eventually 11, could I record and edit on the new set up (pt 10 or 11) and then use the old PT 8 LE setup on my iMac with the Waves plugins to mix and master the final product?

I'm a student, so I could probably survive on 8 for a long time, but I thought it might be a good idea to keep current on the latest pt versions until I can eventually afford new waves or other mastering plugins that will work with pt 10 or 11. Plus, I hear there are less latency and other issues on the newer pt versions.

To be honest, if pro tools 8 does everything you need it to - then don't bother trying to keep up with the latest versions, it's much too costly and only worth doing if you have a steady flow of pro customers with PT10/11 you will need to keep pace with for file exchange.
I upgraded to 10 fairly recently for two reasons, 1) delay compensation 2) track count 3) client compatibility. But then it seems like just a few months later, another new release date is announced.

If you can, stick with 8.

Why can't you use waves plugins in the new version? I don't get it.

By the way, if you do decide to splash out on an upgrade - be aware that PT11 ONLY SUPPORTS AAX PLUGINS.
Any existing RTAS ones you have bought won't work at all until you upgrade them to AAX - usually = $$.

Having said that, if you are working in the industry when you've finished being a student then it's worth thinking about upgrading with a student discount as late as possible - while you are a student.
Thanks for taking the time to make a thoughtful an detailed reply. You are right; I should work on my skills and home studio before I try to keep up with the Pro Tools updates. LE 8 is still more than sophisticated enough for my hobby needs. I don't know why, but someone told me plugins wouldn't work with Lion if I upgrade. Maybe it was the RTAS/11 incompatibility that you mention. I have a few free plugins that I received as a student, but I don't have license codes. I guess when I improve and eventually upgrade, I'll just have to fork out the money. They hooked me as a student, and now I'll likely buy them after seeing how much better the sound is.

If what you have is working, then don't worry about the latest and greatest.

I have a similar set up (2009 Mac + PT8) and I purchased the upgrade to PT10 the other day. Now I just have to sit down with it this weekend and get it loaded.

In short the only reason I went with the PT10 upgrade was because up until PT8 you had to have a Digidesign interface, while 9 and above no longer have that requirement. I currently have an M-Box, The Eleven Rack, and a MOTU Ultralight MKii (don't ask) but I've been eyeballing the Presonus 1818VSL for the extra XLR inputs, so I needed that update. Of course as we all know, updating one thing usually means updating everything else. My poor wallet is crying.

So generally speaking I agree with Cobaltaudio. If what you have is working for you just go with that, and try to ignore the latest shiny new toy. Some times that new toy does have some useful features though. :facepalm:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think PT8 used fixed point processing. I would generally prefer floating point processing, but it may not be that critical.
They won't work if you upgrade to PT11. Pro Tools 11 only uses AAX plug-ins and doesn't allow for RTAS, which I think Waves is still using (They haven't made AAX ones yet).
If you DO upgrade, I suggest upgrading to PT10. Gives you a lot of new features you may enjoy and allows you to use BOTH RTAS and AAX plug-ins.
My understanding is that RTAS plugs will work up to PT 10.3.2

PT 11, as mentioned, will support AAX only and waves don't seem to have any info about AAX release.

As mentioned, stick with 8 if it works for you. If you feel the need to upgrade, just go to 10.3.2
I recommend waiting until 11 is out because even if you never make the jump, at least you know you'll have free entitlement to PT11.

I'm actually in that boat right now. When PT11 comes out I'll be entitled to it, but I wont jump because Waves aren't supported yet.
( 2013....Still bouncing in real time :facepalm: )
CobaltAudio - Solid post.

I work with PT9 every single day and have no intention of upgrading simply because it's an option. My system works as it should and my clients are happy with the outcome. To the OP, you won't be missing out on much if you stick with the system that works. As long as you have automatic delay compensation (an absolute must) and plugins you are comfortable with, you are set.

To be honest, if pro tools 8 does everything you need it to - then don't bother trying to keep up with the latest versions, it's much too costly and only worth doing if you have a steady flow of pro customers with PT10/11 you will need to keep pace with for file exchange.