recording amp feedback in a quiet place


New member
This is my pickle. I'm trying to get and record feedback from my fender guitar amp. However, since I live in an apartment complex, the noise is a HUGE problem. To this point I've been able to skate by using the amp out into my Delta 66, and having headphones connected to the amp so that it's silenced.

The problem I'm trying to get around is how to get the amp to feedback with headphones connected. Can you do this? How? and Can it be recorded?
The feedback you're looking for is caused by strings on your guitar causing the speaker in your amp to move air which in turn vibrates the strings on your guitar causing the speaker in your amp to move air which in turn vibrates the strings on your guitar causing the speaker in your amp to move air which in turn vibrates the strings in your guitar causing the speaker in your amp to move air which in turn vibrates the strings on your guitar causing the speaker in your amp to move air which in turn vibrates the strings on your guitar.

Pick a good time during the day and crank it up!

Slackmaster 2000
I've had some luck with a small amp set up on a stool aimed right back into the guitar (an es355 semi-hollow body so that also helps) at a 'reasonable' volume. But it would still be a bit past apartment levels. Maybe you could build a little trap and set up in it.
I love having it on the edge. Sometimes it expands in such unexpected ways.:cool:
Good hunting.
Record it while your neighbors are gone during the day.

Or talk to them a day or two ahead of time and let them know you're going to be loud. I've found most people are pretty forgiving as long as they are informed ahead of time and can plan for it.
Try to put it inside a closet, with some blankets, crank it up, put the mic in front of it, route to your board/pre/etc and aim your guitar do the monitor...

It worked for me once. Of course its not like crank it in front of your guitar and go like Jimi Hendrix, but we gotta deal with our stuff...