Recording a Female pop singer


New member
I am going to be recording a Female pop singer. I usually record rock music.

I wanted to know how I should place the mic. Is there a thread around about placement? She is a powerful singer and I am using my only condenser Rode NT1000.

Also, I have the digi002 rack I have heard the preamps are pretty good. I was thinking about getting a DMP3. How much better would the vocals come out with the DMP3 vs. Digi002 preamps?

And if anyone has and tricks they have I would be very greatful this is all new to me.

I know its a lot of stuff any info. is appreciated and if there are any good exsisting threads just let me know where to find them.

I always see pictures of famous singers in the studio with the mic upside down and above the singer.

Why do they put it above the singer?

and is the only reason it is upside down to keep the tube from burning up the diaphram or is there some sound difference?
Re: Re: Recording a Female pop singer

chessrock said:
In front of her mouth, preferably.

I just read that for more powerful singers one should put the mic at eye level. Thats still in front of the mouth I guess but more like the answer I was hoping for.
Maybe start with the mic at about nose level and tilted down towards her mouth and have her sing straight ahead... I read somewhere that titling the head back so it stretches the neck while singing is not always a good idea and could damage vocal cords.
I thought there was some different techniques to recording pop vocals.

But, it seems like I should just throw up the mic and see how it sounds.

Thanks for the input,

Until next time

There is... and it all depends on what you want. For example... if your back from the mic it has less clarity and sounds more in the back ground... singing off axis sounds different than singing straight into the mic... singing with the mic slightly above the mouth can sometimes help reduce pops and etc. Experiment and learn to work the mic.