Recording a double bass?


New member
Hey guys!

I want to record a double bass player but i'm not sure which microphone to use. I have a Shure SM57, a Audio-Technica AT2020, a Audio-Technica AT2021 and a Sennheiser e838. I heard the SM57 isn't good for Double Bass.. And I don't know where it should be pointed either. He'll be playing alone with a pair of headphones. Suggestions?
Possibly the best stand up bass recordings that I've ever accomplished were made using omni microphones.

:thumbs up: I keep telling everyone that they need omni microphones within their microphone locker!

You'll have to play around with the positioning of the microphone but as for a starting point ..... about three feet out in front about three feet off of the floor and face it straight up.
Possibly the best stand up bass recordings that I've ever accomplished were made using omni microphones.

I keep telling everyone that they need omni microphones within their microphone locker!

You'll have to play around with the positioning of the microphone but as for a starting point ..... about three feet out in front about three feet off of the floor and face it straight up.

Am going to have to go with MoreSound on this one.
None of the above.

Omni microphones can be had real cheap!

Check THESE out a lot of people have them and simply love them

You can easily pick up two Naiant microphones for under $50.!!!!
I would use the at 2020 at the height of the bridge and facing it straight on maybe 2-3 feet away, then perhaps the at-2021 a foot from the fingerboard overhang and blend it to taste.
There are so many options for recording upright bass and a lot depends on the available room, equipment and the type of track U R working on. Hopefully you bass player will have some idea.

I generally record using the pickup on my bass for the fundamental pitch and attack and a microphone to get the ambient character for a particular track. I have a Barcus Berry pickup and usually use an LDC for the mic placed anywhere from a foot in front of the bridge for standard pizzicato to to a foot over the fingerboard for more percussive or ambient parts to six feet away for arco parts. For slap parts I like to use an SM57 wrapped in a bit of foam stuck up under the fingerboard to capture the attack.