recorderman with 2 57s


New member
i have started recording drums... and was placing mics here and there to get a good sound. then i read about particular techniques. so i tried the recorderman with 2 sm57s and i am very pleased at the improved sound quality.

my critique of the sound clip...
kick not low enough of a sound
and the toms could stand to be tuned better
the sticks i used were old so the ride sounded pretty bland
the performance is just ok

overall though, it is an improvement for me.


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for what it is, sounds good to me..If you had a 3rd mic on kick, that would be a quite usable track...

does the kick have to be that muffled?
it doesnt sound very good when it is not...
the thing is falling apart ( see the duct tape ? )
im hoping to get a new one mostly to be sturdy but also it will probably sound better.
that's pretty solid. I think you might prefer some sdcs instead of 57s... still sounds good though!

the thing about recorderman is you need to have a nicely tuned set.
I used this set up with a 58 (top unscrewed to make it a 57, though) on the kick, and 2 58 ripoffs as overheads, and the drummer I worked with loved the results. (Granted it was his first time being recorded :P)
it is crazy the amount of factors that will effect the outcome of a simple recording such as this one... i agree tojo, a nicely tuned set is certainly necessary ( of any recording really! ).
i just bought a fp10 ( firepod ) and a pair of karma k10s.
so my options just exploded.
i really like the recorderman for how powerful the snares presence is.
so plus a kick mic it will be great.
or i can go xy to get the symbols a little better ( at least i think it would )
and close mic the snare as well with a 57

eternal - i was unaware you could mod a 58 like that, ill have to look into that.. pretty interesting.
Sounds good as been said before kick could use a boost in there but i know your now gonna take care of that
I have practically the same set up now i have a firepod which i run a pair of small diapragm condensers in for my oh's in a widely spaced pair. Then 57 on snare and a beta 52. You ll get a really nice stereo image if you try a spaced pair, well try everything out and see what sounds great to you.
cool snell.
sounds like we will have very similar set ups indeed.
i am picking up a beta 52 from someone on craigslist tomorrow morning.
with the recorderman method i almost feel i dont need to close mic the snare, but i definitely will if i try other overhead options.
but for now, i get to read about stuff and wait for packages.
I just picked up a Firepod as well a few weeks ago (have been using a Firebox for the past 3 years). I tried some spaced pair options, but none sounded right so I went back to recorderman because I needed to get the song tracked that day for a deadline. I'll be experimenting more and figuring out where to place the OH mics in a spaced pair this weekend, but for someone with only a few mics (or inputs) at their disposal, Recorderman and the Glynn Johns methods give very usable results (if not great results).