Recorded this over a year ago...


New member
While I was trying to clear some crap off my computer I decided to mix this song I recorded in January last year for what was my band. This song was going to be part of a demo we were doing. Anyway we broke up before the demo was finished and so this is the only song (out of 11 recorded) that has vocals.

Here's the track list:
Kick: Some Peavey? mic I borrowed
Snare: SM 57
Overheads: 2x Behringer C5s
Lead Guitar: Epiphone SG -> Marshal Tranny amp
Rythym Guitar: Epiphone Les Paul -> Peavy Studio Pro 112
Bass Guitar: Squire P Bass -> Woogie stack -> the Peavey mic
Vocals: AKG D880

All of this was put through my Behri' UB2442FX mixer (no fancy preamps here) and into Sonar 2.2 via my C-Port. Most of the recording for all 11 songs was done in a weekend, so it was a real rush job. I didn't have much of a chance to experiment with mic placement etc. I mixed it last week, but don't have monitors yet so it was done with my PC's speakers and headphones (I know).

The snare had this wierd click sound which I guess was caused by clipping somewhere in the recording chain, but I've tried to minimize it. Also this hasn't had any compression over the master, so it's a bit quiet.

Anyway I guess I just want comments on how it sounds considering the gear I used. Also to people like Massive Master is this mix good enough to be sent away to proper mastering, or would it not be worth the money? AND would people pay money, even a tiny bit to get recordings of this level + 1.5 years + a couple of better bits of gear? I don't want to make a bucket, just some extra cash to put towards new gear...
Leads a bit head drilling. Like it was when the song was live. Vocals are bad. Thats not your fault though. What a crappy band haha
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mx_mx said:
Leads a bit head drilling. Like it was when the song was live. Vocals are bad. Thats not your fault though. What a crappy band haha

what a crappy post, get a life dude

so michael...the song is not terrible, I do agree that the vocals are all over the place. The mix was actually better then I was expecting. I thought your drum sound was decent for the equipment. I didn't like the snare sound too much. I thought the rhythm guitar had a good crunch to it and wasn't bad. The lead sound needed some work, but I think it was more that it needed to be played cleaner. I think with some EQ and a few more takes it might have been ok. I don't think mastering would make it sound better than it does right now. As far as being paid to record....I think younger kids who are looking for rough demos to be able to play places would pay a tiny bit, but for regular business you might need to work on getting a better sounding signal...

just my two cents, take it for what it's worth

and adelaide huh? my roommate was there last year for about 3 months studying abroad...he loved it
Sorry about the crappy post. Just a joke. Didnt realise when i did it that other people wouldnt realise that i played guitar in that recording. Oh and by the way Mikey, you did a pretty good job of turning a crappy song into a decent mix.
Ha. Even funnier, after you read that mx_mx was in the band.

Sounds decent, but too dim for a 'studio' recording. Sounds like
a live capture. Besides the vocals though, for the equipment
listed, can't complain. The drums might be a bit muddy; sounds
like it would be fun live though.
Recorded it in 2004 i think it was, now hearing it for the first time in 2006! Now thats a slow recording process. And people complain about bands taking too long to record and release albums. I was IN the band and it still takes 2 years for me to hear it. And i dont remember approving the release of this material in the first place Mikey. Ill see you in court, a la Courtney Love vs Dave Grohl. Just kidding in case you couldnt tell.