recorded MIDI


New member
Hi guys,

i have a MIDI setup featuring 2 sound modules, a drum machine and a roland mc-09 (tb303).
What i want to know is why my emu mo phatt sound module can recorded and playback with the same MIDI connections while the drum machine as well as roland mc-09 don't?
I mean i have them connected by MIDI chain, but when i have to record some data from my drum machine i need to connect its out to the MIDI in of my soundcard and for playback i have to reconnect the drum machine to its in to the out..
I have an apple ibook 800 Mhz with a midiman audio quattro soundcard with a MIDI in and a MIDI out.
Will a MIDI interface solve my problem? I mean I'll be able not to reconnect my MIDI cables everytime?
My connection: MIDI out (soundcard) to MIDI in of my drum machine, its through to in of emu mo phatt, its through to the in of my roland mc-09.

any help?
thank you
You probably need to setup each unit to send and receive on a specific channel and also set some units to midi thru depending on there location in the chain.
thanks for reply...
i think my drum machine as roland mc-09 as well can't send and receive in the same MIDI channel, or i have to figure out how to do it.. that's why i have to reconnect MIDI cables everytime.
