-Recommended setup for Recording drum covers at home!!!!


New member
Hey. I want to start recording better sounding drum covers. I am a little confused on how all of the equipment works. This is my perception from reading. You need a Computer. A sound card is something you install on your computer to hear sound?????then you have a mixer which all of your mic's plug into and your mixer plugs into your computer. then whatever software you have you can edit it on that. Am i completely wrong lol. HELP?HOW DOES ALL THIS WORK?
You don't need a mixer at all. You need an interface (soundcard). It has the mic preamps you need. Just plug your mics into the preamps. It then converts the analog signal into digital and records it in a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation.) If you have a mac, garageband would work. If not look into a program called Reaper. As for an interface, i would recommend the Tascam 1800. It has plenty of preamps for drums.
Read some of the other "I don't know how all this works" threads in this section and all will be revealed...

And your computer already has a soundcard... or else it couldn't make any noise. It's just no good from music. Mixer is not required as Crows said.... an audio interface is what you need with enough inputs to handle your various drum mics.

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