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FolkCafe-- Thank you. After listening to them I agree I like the FIRST the best; probably want to lose the doubling on the verses or at least take the time to get them lined up alot better lol the silence here was deafening so I panicked a little (DOUBT!) and overcorrected. Thank you for taking the time to listen, forreal, I appreciate you and all elses opportunity cost!

Well as a rule I listen to and prefer more lyrically complex rap, I like a bit of melodic flow here and there too, i.e. Tonedeff, Sage Francis, RTJ (killer mike and el-p, Eminem, Joyner Lucas the list is endless....but I get excited about not catching all the lyrics the first time and knowing there were some lines I missed and will enjoy upon later listens. Presented in a different way, well that could be very good or very bad I suppose. Different is good I like different, noone needs another "He sounds just like!! guy"

The point of each song is the message being relatable to the listener and to drive it into their head as many times as possible in as many interesting ways possible. I guess that would be my mission statement for each song.

Moving forward: I plan to grab a short piece of dialogue from a movie and perhaps play it over the hook fading in with no lyrics over it, that way the song doesn't just suddenly start out of nowhere. Than first time someone that can sing is at my house I am having them sing the outro, as I have no business singing!

I suppose that is about it for the song....seems wisdom is there is no use paying a mix engineer for the old turd polish tek.

Now the project is called TruThugly Street Wisdom 101 and honestly the thesis of the project is to keep young adults from doing the stupid arse things we did as kids; or alternatively to give them some ground rules on how to do dumb things they are going to do anyway with minimum risk and damage to their future.

It is going to be split into two parts "Hip Hop For Kids The Explicit Version" which are the 8 or 9 tracks I made over the very simple beats my dude made like 15 years ago....and a second part. "Street Wisdom 101" which consists of about 10 tracks, I think 6 or 7 are his beats that are quite a bit better that he made for me the last 2 or 3 years he was alive, see he was in a band that had a #1 so he was touring and stuff and we fell out of touch. Than he learned that his time was short and for whatever reason decided to recconnect with me. I spoke with him for like 2 hours every day literally for the last couple of years....than a month before he passes he blocks me and quit takin my calls. (doesn't live local)...than I get a visit from a friend saying he passed. WTF, I am obviously a bit confused and emotional about all this. He was kind of pissed I hadn't done anything with his beats.....I was writing songs the whole time, I just didnt have a DAW, I told him that....but he had his own pro studio and did not understand how I could not seem to produce......
- Repair? If the penny did anything it’s probably just shorting something - just open the Avalon and get the penny out.

RX10 Elements is $99 - You could fix those Clipping beats with them - and they would be clean,.

I didn’t listen to the Tracks - but if your mixes are sound boxy - Start over with a clean slate - start with the drums - then bass - then voice - get those sounding right - and then add what ever elements you have in your mix one at time - priotizing the Voice/Drums/Bass over anything else - I wouldn’t say it’s simple - but if you start mixing that way
it will be a lot easier - also take an Spectrum Analyzer and look at each track - iZotope Insight 2 is free BTW - it will give you an idea of what you are trying to mix and frequencies each part of mix occupies so you can make good decisions.

You are right about the avalon! Sad truth is I don't have a damn phillips head screwdriver in my house, lol i was dumb and bought one that the top screws off and lost the phillips head top. I know shame on me, once I get it I dont wanna just turn the thing upside down incase anything is not secured firmly..... How would you recommend cleaning any debris that got down in there, computer duster? pull the penny out and just blow on it? I am going to guess there are some crumbs in there if a penny found its way in......hopefully that will do it!

I dont make the beats but I think they are just barely not clipping, sometimes the snare peaks red but I have heard no distortion. Them being near peaked does make adding the vocal a bit tough but doable. I got Mp3 or .wav beat + vocals. (which is kind of why I thought there was a "generic" way to mix aka turd polish tek and it could be outsourced) but if not than forward I go.
You are right about the avalon! Sad truth is I don't have a damn phillips head screwdriver in my house, lol i was dumb and bought one that the top screws off and lost the phillips head top. I know shame on me, once I get it I dont wanna just turn the thing upside down incase anything is not secured firmly..... How would you recommend cleaning any debris that got down in there, computer duster? pull the penny out and just blow on it? I am going to guess there are some crumbs in there if a penny found its way in......hopefully that will do it!
You really are a luddite through and through - I believe the housing comes off the top - you could try chopsticks - or just turn the unit upside down - it terms of dust bunnies and stuff a can of Air would work - just make sure you get it out and don’t press it in further.

I dont make the beats but I think they are just barely not clipping, sometimes the snare peaks red but I have heard no distortion. Them being near peaked does make adding the vocal a bit tough but doable. I got Mp3 or .wav beat + vocals. (which is kind of why I thought there was a "generic" way to mix aka turd polish tek and it could be outsourced) but if not than forward I go.
Well you could compress the Beats - put a hard limiter on them - and see what happens -
haha I got offended for a brief second as I looked up luddite; but after seeing the definition. YES one of the worst. I was thinking of trying a butter knife or one of my cheap phillips head swiss knives.....however stripping those screws would be horrible! I think i may take a shot at it tonight, if so; oh boy ill be like a kid on christmas. You can imagine having your entire avalon channel strip taken out of your only vocal chain; leaving me with only personus preamps, DAW compression and manual eq. BOOO! plus the thing sounded beautiful when it worked.....perhaps i found the vocals lacking as some of these songs were reorded with the avalon before it fell into disrepair. *ILL LET YOU KNOW IF IT WORKED TOMMOROW

Compress the beats and put a hard limiter on them; sounds like a damn good plan to pull a little more bass out without making the beat clip like hell. I usually put the limiter on the compressor to -2, but that is not hard limiter I do not believe....Thank you for the tip
The revolution of home recording brought with it a lot of hurdles and burdens. Now the expectation is to be artist, engineer and producer along with everything else. Those who post things like "it's so easy, my dog can do it", either have exceptionally talented dogs or have forgotten how long it has taken them to get this far. Also, the tools have evolved but simplicity is lost in a maze of features.

Should TruThugly feel alone in this, I assure you, that you are not. Right now, Cubase and Abelton Live is kicking my butt. Both have steep learning curves in order to understand all the power and features of both these programs. I was a long time user of ProTools which has been described as a computer version of a tape machine and console. What I am using today breaks this paradigm in very powerful ways. Doesn't help that I am using both, which mashes my brain to mush. I'm an experienced engineer and it is complicated even for me.

I took a quick look at MixPad while having my morning coffee. Seems like everything is there. It supports VST's and even has a beat maker of sorts. Not sure there are too many users here that can offer specific DAW help. I checked out a couple tutorial videos. Pretty sparse and basic but perhaps that is the point. It is billed as the perfect beginner DAW. Protools worked for me because I was already familiar with the analog world it is based on.

Don't know if you are doing this all with stock plugins or if you added any others. An easy choice is Waves LA-2A compressor and is dead simple to use. I'll add it is a standard on rap vocals. Again, perhaps a rabbit hole to avoid till you've progressed further.

That's enough on the tech this morning. What about the art side of things? Where and how do you move forward with that? I'm a really bad guitar player learning piano. My instructor shared this video as a way to encourage us. For me it misses something important.

It's the old, I only know 4 chords joke. What distinguishes all these 4 chord songs is arrangement and rhythm. Music is more than chord progressions. So what skills are missing from your musical toolbox? You're not a beat maker. Why not? In learning the skills I needed to take full advantage of Ableton, I took Jason Allan Master Class on programming drums. An old folk/classical guy programming Techno beats is pretty funny. I did learn a lot. Now I'm taking piano lessons. Learning has no time or age limit.

Don't know where you currently are musically. So if this suggestions is off the mark, don't take offense.

A really short free music theory class from ThinkSpace ThinkSpace Free Music Theory Class
Guy Michelmore does a great job of laying out the basic concepts.
No offense taken at all. I consider myself a newb (again, maybe). Shoot had the same problem DAW wise, started in cool edit, than went to a university class on audio and was trained on protools, than had a cubase crack (umm alledgedly, sorry), now have the free version of mixpad. They aren't so diferent just the labels and where you click and all that fun stuff that it is perpetually frustrating! Most used piece of gear is probably my audio engineering book though.

Artist, producer, engineer, and master'er (We are still of the belief you should use a different person/company for mastering that mixing?) That is TOO MANY HATS FOR ME.

Moving forward with the art; well I layed out a plan for the song (picked out a reference track for the song too); as well as project: So I have bit off about as much as I can chew for now. BUT IF YOU MEAN how do i plan to grow as an artist than my answer would be related to rob's statement about how the vocals swing to the beat, but in a diferent way that doesn't create said groove. Priority #1 to fix. Work on my delivery and performance. I find it hard to go all out performer alone in my studio some times and noone wants monotone rap. I am trying to learn about melody and hook construction a bit more and learn more diverse ways to do hooks as they are a weakness for me. making sure my levels are similar on each vocal take so the comps (if needed) don't stick out. For the most part losing the doubles on the whole verse.

I am accepting that I will be doing the mixing, have downloaded a vocal EQ sheet as well as bookmarked several sites regarding mixing rap; vocals especially.
I am also branching out to meet to rappers and beatmakers online that seem to be in similar places and hoping to form a back and forth where we can help eachother from delivery to what drum sample/plug ins to gain staging. (I got that last one covered, oh yea!) coolaid guy voice.

Future projects will be made with tracked out beats so I have control over every instrument in the mix

Why don't I make beats? I am humble enough to know that somebody who has been making beats for 20 + years will make a much better beat than I; the guy who knows notta about keys, progression, etc etc for ever. I am also fortunate enough to know such a beatmaker that will let me browse his beats, pick one; and send me the stems and .wav of the beat for under 50 bucks. This dude i met online and has been good to me. Showed great concern when my elderly mother was ailing. So lets call it 80 percent loyalty and satisfaction with what im getting; maybe 15 percent that beats are readily readily available from a # of sources 3 percent I know two more beatmakers locally that I have worked with. (But if you ever make it you will have to share the wealth? And doesn't that mean you can only move 1,000, maybe 999 units legally) As I suppose you know, yes to both of those things.

Totally not a concern, If I could hand out 999 copies for free and everyone listened to it all the way through once; that would already be success beyond my wildest imagination. (after all this is a hobby for me; not a profession)

Good call on the expectations that home recording has brought. I'll Keep it a 100, i have tried to just go to studio's to record, however I live in the middle of nowhere and there is only one in with 4 hours (no exaggeration). So home recording became the only practical avenue. (truth is I really dont like the guy either lol he produced a damn disstrack about me.

OFF TOPIC NO REAL NEED TO READ* REPEAT NOTHING THAT WILL HELP YOU, JUST CONTEXT. Get this ish too, The 'artist' that made the song about me was close to, if not my best friend. Close enough that we had done a 4 song project we made completed and tracked out; I trusted it on his computer, got the cover art designed, left 100 burnable CD's for him at his house. I get a call he has put out a solo project; Cool? I buy the first copy; six sell in total. me, Gf, mom, dude he lets live there for free, studio guy (idk how he jedi mindipulated him to buy his own production lol) and I guess 2 are ?'s ....... It was at this time I sunk a chunk of money into equipment but was a bit sour about recording until mutual friend/beatmaker called me when he was dying.

I am actually using the free version of mixpad as I am poor at the moment and no VST's are available on it. Also only 8 tracks (so the use of bussing/many takes per (folder/track)? are pretty necessary. I am thinking of checking out an online daw or one of the freeones in the giant sticky resource; as its standard FX are not great; boring at best, some lacking functions at worst). I much prefered cubase, even cubase light. (but that is just a matter of learning the DAW mostly).
The avalon 737 and this is embarassing but uff off ..... it has large slats in the top of it and a penny fell in, it started to hiss; no big mystery. I have cut it out of the signal chain till I can get around to repair.
Yikes! The first thing to do after a penny fell into the Avalon would be to turn off the power, disconnect it and take the lid off to remove the penny. Leaving it in there and just mixing around ‘the hiss’ is the worst move. This is similar to someone continuing to drive their car after the oil light comes on thinking that it may just eventually fix itself.