Recommend Budget SDC Small Condensor Mic


New member
A friend asked for a recommendation for budget SDC pair for overhead recording.

I own a pair of SP-C4 which is out of his price range, and a pair of ancient RatShack 33-1080 electrets that Harvey uses. These are long out of production.

Would somebody please be kind and post a recommendation for a pair?
They will be used with a MOTU 8pre.
Depends on budget, but I used a pair of Shure KSM 109's for quite awhile.
I'm now using Studio Projects B1's but they're LDC's.
I have been using a pair of Behringer C-2 mics for a while with good results for drum over heads as well as hand percussion and acoustic guitar.
As the economy deteriorates, a used pair of Oktava MC-012 (or MK-012) may come into the budget range. I have precious little experience overhead micing drums, but that's what I've used so far (with modded MOTU preamps), and I liked the results.
Tell him to save his money and buy some mics he won't want to replace.

I've tried the 603s, and I thought they were bright and a little harsh.

I found the SP B1 LDC more forgiving for recording drum overheads in a small room with marginal treatment.

I didn't like the naints for OH, although their small size makes them ideal for tight spots like reso snare head. I liked them for acoustic guitars.

ECM800s are omni, right? You might not like how those portray an untreated room....
As the economy deteriorates, a used pair of Oktava MC-012 (or MK-012) may come into the budget range. I have precious little experience overhead micing drums, but that's what I've used so far (with modded MOTU preamps), and I liked the results.

Agreed. They'd definitely be my first choice. You can usually find singles for about a hundred bucks apiece if you're willing to wait a little while and hunt around on eBay and musicgoround.

I've never been a fan of the Chinese SDCs on OH (e.g. the MXL 603, etc.). They lack bass and don't have much definition in the highs, leading to pretty much zero stereo separation. Terrible for X/Y miking. You might as well go with omnis. At least the 604 is usable with its omni capsules, or so I'm told.

I'm currently in the middle of recapping a couple of them with mylar film for the bigger caps, mail-ordered silver mylar to replace the two small value ceramics. Remind me to slap up a couple of extra mic stands and give them a run alongside my MK-012 pair on overhead duty some time.