Recomend me a cheap semi-hollowbody

I actually saw an ES style xaviere in ebay once... Was just checking their site today and saw them, remembered the post.
I wish you get the best for you
I had an Epi Dot (not studio) a few years back. Great guitar. I just couldn't get use to the overall body size and stuck with my Les Pauls. The Dot's are a couple pounds lighter than LP's also.
I think recently I saw an Oscar Schmidt 335 on line and it was below $200 new. Only thing was-it was a bolt on neck, which I am not crazy about on a Gibson copy-but then lots of people like the Les Paul II and the Les Paul Jr and both of them are bolt on style.
Just thought I'd mention-I guess I'm spoiled by my Sheraton~;)
Check out Peavey's JF1 EX or JF2 EX, whenever you get a chance. The only real difference between the two is, the JF2 EX has a Bigsby. I've had my Peavey JF2 EX for almost 2 years, and I love the versatility of tones I can get from it. Both models have 2 mini humbuckers, a 3-way toggle switch, and 2x volume 2x tone controls.

I have one of their teles (extremely pleased) and had no idea they did ES style guitars. Thanks for the link and the heads up! This will more than likely be my choice.


This will most likely be the best choice, since it will already have the pickups of you're choice already installed. Most ES 335 style guitars are a real pain to install the pickups into, as the wires, pots & switch connections have to be installed through the 'F' holes.

Here is a link to a video that shows a guy installing a wiring assembly in a 335 style guitar-pretty tricky business..
I've had an inexpensive Epi Sheraton II for 20+ years. I think it cost about $500 back then and I don't believe it's gone up much in price. It's been a great playing and sounding guitar. Extremely well worth the money!