Reason software


New member
Has anyone used it before? Ive heard good things about it, im using it only to lay drums tracks for more rock/folk stuff? will it be a good fit?

Is it something pretty simple to learn?
have you checked out the Reason demo ? what other software are you using? why not use a real drummer?
coz real dummers are always high on dope :) kidding.

umm...coz its hard to depend on someone else, esp with the lack of space for a drum set. I'd rather do it myself, its a hobby anyways, so theres no need for "perfection" except for meeting my own standards.
Reason is a very nice package, I think it has the best price/features ratio of them all. It's a pitty that you use it only on drums.
You could use something like Battery or LM4 if you're only doing drums. Or some loop player if your doing loops.

Cheers, Andrés
With Reason of course you will get a sequencer..However, it might be overkill for drum tracks only....Battery and LM4 require a sequencer...I've gotten some decent results with Battery and Sonar...Sonar 2.0 has some neat features for drum sequencing. Sonar 2.0 XL comes with DR8 from FXpansion....But then, there is Fruity Loops.
Reason is great program for drums sounds...nice full sounding drum sounds...the best drums of any software if sonic are important to u reason would be # on my list as a software synth for drums...and it comes with oodles of other sounds that u can play with