Reason Refill Royalty Question...


libertarian power.
I've been using free refills found online in my Reason stuff for a while now, but I got to wondering - how do I know if refills are royalty free? Only one of the refills on propellerhead's free refill page, for example, is listed as being 'royalty free,' but does this mean that all of the others aren't? Thanks!
Here's my take on it.

If the Reason Refills are presented as 'royalty free', then you can freely download them and use them in your own compositions.

With commercial Refills it becomes slightly more complex, but only slightly. I take the stance that whoever put a refill together that I've paid for has gotten compensated for their effort and has given up most rights to further monies.

Yeah, I think I feel the same way. But what about free refills that aren't presented as royalty free? Is there a difference between using loops and using synth sounds, as one is a complete product while the other is really just a shell? Hmm...