Reason and Cubase LE Rewire - Pops and Clicks


New member
I'm using Reason and Cubase LE on my 12" Al G4 Powerbook with 1 Ghz processor and 768 MB RAM. When I use rewire with the two programs, I get a lot of pops and clicks. I originally only had 256 MB RAM, but upgrading my memory by 512 MB didn't seem to fix the problem. I've played with different buffer sizes as well, but with no result. Whats going on? What should I try to fix the problem?
By the way, if I use Reason with Garageband via Rewire there aren't any problems whatsoever, no pops, no clicks, nothing... so I'm assuming the problem must lie in Cubase somewhere. Maybe its a Cubase LE specific problem?
Have you taken care of the usual suspects... turning off any programs running in the background?
Yeah, nothing else is running in the background. I also have the "ASIO Driver Off in Background" or whatever it is turned on as well.