Reason 5 and Logic pro 9 Rewire


New member
Hello there,

I am using logic pro 9 right now and am only learning the basics as I am still really new at this. I have also just bought reason 5 to tinker with and try to make new sounds, songs, samples etc... I still have no idea how to use it yet.

I've been doing a bit of research online and it appears that a lot of ppl are having problems with timing / sync and bounce issues when ReWire'ing reason 5 to logic 9. A few Videos and tutorials from youtube and even the propellerhead website show ppl making a complete project in reason, then using record and then ReWiring record to logic 9.

Is it necessary to buy Record to send it to Logic or is it easier to do it this way? Or is PropellerHead just trying to sell Record more lol? Can you ReWire a project just from Reason alone to logic? or will I run into all these issues I've been hearing about.

Do you guys think I need to buy record to make it easier on myself for all this ReWire stuff??

Besides projects made in reason, I really have no other use for Record (That I can see right now) as I am trying to learn Logic and make that my primary software and would like to take sounds and projects from reason and put it into logic. But if it makes it a lot easier I would have no problem buying record.

I am so new at these software program so I probably wont be able to answer any detailed questions if you have any lol sorry.

I was getting a lot of latency with Reason 4 in different DAWs via Rewire. One way around it is not to worry so much about sound quality and set the buffer in Reason 4 very low. That way you shouldn't get as much latency. Typically I don't monitor what I'm doing in Reason since I start physically compensating for latency -- i.e. striking the keys on the midi keyboard early so the sound comes out on time. Problem with that is that it takes a bit to start doing it consistently. So I just don't monitor Reason, and use a similar sound on my keyboard. At least that way I will be off consistently and can select the entire section in Reason and move it to where it synchs up.

Another option is to set up a throw away drum track with Redrum in Reason. You can then use Reason as an individual product, then just do your thing against that with whatever instrument, and then I think you can do a render as audio in Reason (do this for each instrument), and then import those onto various tracks in your DAW. Make sure you label where you save your Reason render as a folder named "Reason As Audio" or something like that, and put folders for your various songs. You don't need Record. Still keep your buffer low until you're ready to render as audio, then make it high for sound quality.