Reason 3.0 Question


New member
I have been using Reason for around two weeks. I have some old demos (in wav format) that already have the guitar, bass, and vocals, and were done to a click track/metronome. What I want to do is use redrum or any of the other various drum modules to track down drums. How do I get the main mixed wave file into Reason? I am sure it's simple, I'm just not seeing it.
You'll need to open your .wavs in a multitrack program (Protools, Cubase, Sonar, etc) and use a Rewire Channel for Reason. Reason doesn't handle audio.

More software to buy?

Is there any way that I could avoid purchasing more software right now? Does ReWire work with any other multi-track software? Could I use Krystal, for example? A free to low-cost solution is preferable.