Rear channels in SBlive!?


New member
Hi friends!

Please tell me if you know - is it possible to use SBlive! rear channels for quadro mix, say in Cubase or Logic or somevhere else?


I'm not sure if this will work, but you could try...

in surround mixer, under speakers, set it to four speakers, this gives you front to rear panning.

before you record, set your line in to the position you want, then record. it may or may not work, I havn't tried it yet. you may want to try recording under "what you hear" if using line in doesn't work.

you could also try playing back your audio tracks one at a time with a regular jukebox program while recording under What you hear, then clean up the silence with an editor and put them back in the mix.

Let me know if it works
Thanks for advice, Torpid-x, but I'm too lazy to try it.
The best I'd like to find out is is there some drivers for Cubase to see 4 channels in audio preferences.
