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Is there a feature or a way to somehow restore tracks to their original start point/length?

Like, after snipping, moving, etc....all my tracks, let's say I wanted to line up my drum tracks the way they were originally lined up. I can't do it after all the editing I did, unless there's some kind of "restore length" or "restore starting point".

You know what I mean? I hope I'm wording my question properly.
So if they originally started at 1:01 you want them to be cut and pasted back to that time? I'm not sure I follow...but I use Sonar so I'm of little help
Can you not just hover your mouse over the edge of the clip, hold left click and drag. As long as you've not rendered or glued any of the clipped parts, the original parts should be there, just hidden.

If you delete all but one of the clips on a track then click and drag the edge of the clip each way, in turn, it will restore it back to the original state. Assuming you've not copied the clip from somewhere else and pasted in, etc.

Another way would be to delete the parts of the track and then drag and drop the original file from your project folder.

Hope that makes sense and is what you mean. It's late, I'm tired. :thumbs up:
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Thanx guys. It shouldn't be hard to explain, but I'm having trouble explaining it. I think Mr. Clean understands. Problem is, I have glued them and probably did some other stuff, so that if I try to drag the end back, it won't give me the original length. I'm probably just going to re-track the drums to the song I'm talking about. Just wanted to know if there was a way to restore the tracks to their original state.

Thanx guys.
Did you delete the original recorded wav file from your project folder? If not, just drag and drop that back in to the track. It should be named the same as your glued file without _glued on it.

If you deleted it, there's no way to recover it that I know.
Thanx guys. It shouldn't be hard to explain, but I'm having trouble explaining it. I think Mr. Clean understands. Problem is, I have glued them and probably did some other stuff, so that if I try to drag the end back, it won't give me the original length. I'm probably just going to re-track the drums to the song I'm talking about. Just wanted to know if there was a way to restore the tracks to their original state.

Thanx guys.

I think you'll find if you check the project folder, they're still in their original state in the basic wav files. All the editing is non-destructuve, they're just instructions on what to do to that file... so if you just want the originals back, try reimporting the wav files as media items (or however you do it...)..

Not sure if that's what you're asking, but thought I'd chuck it in...:)
It is indeed. I slept from 12 til around 1:30 so I've had some sleep but I'm well adjusted to this perpetual sleepy fight I call life.

:thumbs up:
Thanx guys. Unfortunately, I always "Clean current project directory" or whatever it's called. So, I don't have the original takes. It's no big deal, I'm going to re-track the drums for the song in question.

Thanx a lot.
Is there a feature or a way to somehow restore tracks to their original start point/length?

Like, after snipping, moving, etc....all my tracks, let's say I wanted to line up my drum tracks the way they were originally lined up. I can't do it after all the editing I did, unless there's some kind of "restore length" or "restore starting point".

You know what I mean? I hope I'm wording my question properly.

assuming that you moved your tracks in time, you can restore them to their original positions. let's say you moved a snare track in time. create a new track under the track which you want to re-allign. on the new track re-import the original unmodified snare .wav file. turn off snap to grid and zoom in close enough to visually re-allign the moved track back to its original position by matching the shape of the .wavs. then you can delete the duplicate snare track and repeat this process for any other tracks that need it. this will preserve all the other editing which you have done, but restore the snare track to its original position on the timeline relative to zero.

on the other hand, assuming that you instead want the original start positions back, so that you can export the tracks to another DAW and have everything start at zero and so preserve their relative alignments in time, look at consolidate/export under the file menu. if that's the route you want to go, first be sure to save your current file (Ctrl s) and choose a different directory to send the consolidated files to.
assuming that you moved your tracks in time, you can restore them to their original positions. let's say you moved a snare track in time. create a new track under the track which you want to re-allign. on the new track re-import the original unmodified snare .wav file. turn off snap to grid and zoom in close enough to visually re-allign the moved track back to its original position by matching the shape of the .wavs. then you can delete the duplicate snare track and repeat this process for any other tracks that need it. this will preserve all the other editing which you have done, but restore the snare track to its original position on the timeline relative to zero.

on the other hand, assuming that you instead want the original start positions back, so that you can export the tracks to another DAW and have everything start at zero and so preserve their relative alignments in time, look at consolidate/export under the file menu. if that's the route you want to go, first be sure to save your current file (Ctrl s) and choose a different directory to send the consolidated files to.
I'll look into all that when I get home. It's a lot of info to grasp right now without being at my computer with the song in front of me.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do any of this, though, since I already did the "Clean current project directory" which gets rid of files that aren't in the project any more. Either way, I'll try all that out when I get home.

Thanx a lot.
I don't know how many levels of "undo" Reaper runs to but can you not "save as" where you are and then Undo till you get back to where you want to be?

Then, I am anal about saving projects (almost all son's) . In addition to them being on the second drive that is used for music data they will be saved on a NAS 2TB drive and now on a Seagate USB 3.0 drive that I bought for this Asus home build.

Another 2TB and £70 from Maplin but I dare say you can find them cheaper than that. Very fast and you can just chuck stuff at it for safety.

I don't know how many levels of "undo" Reaper runs to but can you not "save as" where you are and then Undo till you get back to where you want to be?

Then, I am anal about saving projects (almost all son's) . In addition to them being on the second drive that is used for music data they will be saved on a NAS 2TB drive and now on a Seagate USB 3.0 drive that I bought for this Asus home build.

Another 2TB and £70 from Maplin but I dare say you can find them cheaper than that. Very fast and you can just chuck stuff at it for safety.


You can actual set the amount of undo's you want to to maintain.
I don't know how many levels of "undo" Reaper runs to but can you not "save as" where you are and then Undo till you get back to where you want to be?

Then, I am anal about saving projects (almost all son's) . In addition to them being on the second drive that is used for music data they will be saved on a NAS 2TB drive and now on a Seagate USB 3.0 drive that I bought for this Asus home build.

Another 2TB and £70 from Maplin but I dare say you can find them cheaper than that. Very fast and you can just chuck stuff at it for safety.

This is actually a great idea. I don't need more drive space or anything like that. I just didn't think of "save as....." and then un-doing to my heart's content. It's too late now for this project because I already re-tracked the problematic track. But it's something to keep in mind for future reference. Thanx.
This is actually a great idea. I don't need more drive space or anything like that. I just didn't think of "save as....." and then un-doing to my heart's content. It's too late now for this project because I already re-tracked the problematic track. But it's something to keep in mind for future reference. Thanx.

Your servant sir.

Doesn't matter how many undos you have, it can't get back to the original file because he deleted the damn thing. The lesson here is don't clean your project directory until and unless you know for sure that you're not going to change your mind about your edits.
Doesn't matter how many undos you have, it can't get back to the original file because he deleted the damn thing. The lesson here is don't clean your project directory until and unless you know for sure that you're not going to change your mind about your edits.

Exactly. Some good ideas here. But, like I said a few times, I cleared out the directory.

Even Dave's idea, which is briliant, wouldn't work for me since I did the clean out thing.