Reaper Midi Track Suddenly Off Sync


New member
I'm relatively new to Reaper, though most DAWs have the same basic settings so I'm not a complete newb. My question is about midi tracks. I'll give an example which will probably be easier to explain rather than me rambling my question...

I have "Addictive Drum" midi track on the 1st track, and a Trilogy midi bassline that I physically played on the second track, and bagpipes (midi) on the third track. When I recorded the bassline it was on time with the drums (everyhting has been played to the drums for consistency). When I played it back after recording it seemed sync'd up fine but today I came back to the project and when playing it back I noticed the bassline was slightly but noticably out of sunc with the drums! I don't know what I might have done but it seems like it's something simple to do with the BPM. I tried nudging it, since the bassline is one long midi track, but I couldnt get it to line up thru the whole track, it was almost like some of the track was on time but other parts were at a different BPM.
Do the midi notes of the bass line line up to where you would expect them to, but the sound comes out later, or are the notes themselves out of sync?

It's a bit hard to diagnose the problem. I've not experienced it.
The midi notes are physically off. If it had not sounded good after I'd recorded it I could understand it being off but what erks me is that is sounded good on playback the first time but later it was off