Reaper and Beta Monkey Drum Loops


New member
I am a former cool edit user (now that it is $350) and am now using Reaper.

I have a bunch of drum loop cd's i bought from Beta Monkey and had no problem just inserting them into cool edit..

But with Reaper it plays way to fast for the loop.. I set the project bpm to 62bpm like the beta monkey file says.. but it still goes way to fast...

I set the project to the correct bpm and then insert the wav file.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks all..
That sounds like it might be a sample rate issue.

Probably the easiest thing to do would be to match the sample rate in Reaper to that on the CD. I assume that the wav files would be CD quality, and thus have a sample rate of 44,100.

Hit Alt+Enter to bring up your project settings in reaper (the same panel where you set the BPM), and pick the 44,100 sample rate.
I know this problem you just need to select the entire wav right click item properties and change the playback rate to 1.0000. That will solve your problem.