Really mobile Studio


Useless Thoughts
Im working on a very mobile studio to record my acoustic project while im traveling and such.

I have this old 80s style plastic samson briefcase that im going to mount it all in, probablty velcroe it in actually.

I have a first gen m audio fasttrack (the silver one with only 1 mic inout and no phantom power)

Going to mound that angled up a bit for ease of use. Will be buying one of the 30 dollar art preamps for phantom power and to add a bit of a different flavor if you will.

Essentially it will go acoustic guitar > mic > art preamp > fasttrack > logic

The only thing left to decide is what kind of mic i want to get. I know an LDC but need to figure it out

My v88 died and my friend bought it and fixed it.

Thinking studio projects b1 or likewise. useing it to record guitar, tambourine vocals and maybe other small percussion instruments.