Really in need of pre-orders

Hey guys, we're doing really well, but I *really* need some more money to roll in over the next month.

We might technically have enough for replication, but I'm going to buy all the packaging and printing supplies to finalize 100 units before sending the masters off for manufacture. I'm going to need help pushing this thing!

Slackmaster 2000

BTW people, I still have a couple Volume 1 left for $15!!!! There will never be another run of V1! You can even order online, although you need to contact me first so I don't oversell.

Slackmaster 2000
One pre-order, coming up!

... Actually, it's a pre-order for two sets. I just droped it in the mail this morning.

You know, if that August 1 deadline holds I'll be able to give one to my Mom for her birthday. But don't let the joy and pride she'll feel seeing her son's work on a *REAL* CD make you feel any pressure though. I'm sure she'll understand if something comes up ... :D
I think we can make it...just a couple hundred more dollars and I can manufacture all the CD's and make up the first 100 units.

Slackmaster 2000
Just printed out the form. Money order will be in the mail Monday for qty 1. Thanks for all the hard work. I can't wait to hear it. I have to add it to my collection (have vol 1). Hey, maybe I can sell it on eBay one day for a couple hundred bucks!! :D :D :D

How many pre-orders do we need now? I saw the update on the status page, but you didn't say how close we are. I'm trying to get a few orders on this end.

I didn't figure it out last night because it was too late.....but...

We had something like $1200 before last night. When all was said and done I had spent around $230 on supplies. That doesn't include having to print all the jackets and inserts....and the special "suprise". Replication is going to be around $1150 with shipping and possible overrun. I need about $300-400 more to do this thing right. That means 15-20 orders. To meet the August 1 deadline we'll need these orders by around July 1st I think.

I know of at least 6 that are "out there"....people who I know are ordering, I just don't know when.

I think our break-even point for this CD is going to be around 75-80 units. If we can move 200 we'll have been very successful. If we move all 300 we'll really have done something special!

Now that I've ordered the materials to make up about 100 shippable units I feel a little better. I wanted to get that stuff out of the way before manufacturing.

Slackmaster 2000
I just posted a link to on the Ovation fan club BBS. There was a guy over there looking for advice on digital recorders. I also mentioned there was a very active BBS here, maybe we'll get some activity out of that....hope so.

I tried to order with Pay pal this morning and I don't think it was working either. I printed out the form and will send you a MO.
Never got the money order last week like I thought I would so tried Pay Pal this morning and it worked great!

Riley(aka Paula)
Slack - can you tell me how much to make out a mail order for if I want 2 x copies of volume I, and 2 x pre-orders of Volumne II? (4 CDs total)?

You can either post here or just send me an email.
Hey man, sorry I haven't gotten back to you. I did get your email but was gone last week and haven't caught up on everything yet.

Volume II is $22 shipped to MI. Volume 1 is $17 shipped to MI. However, I'm not sure I have any Volume 1 left, I'll have to see after I ship tonight.

If I have em, your total would be $78.

Slackmaster 2000
Sales Spam

Put on the sales charm and pre-sold to 3 suckers: Parents, Sister, Friend. 2-3 more may be in the works. Below is the email I sent. Feel free to plagarize! - manifold

Subj: Sales Spam - Compilation CD Vol II


For the past year I have been collaborating musically with a friend of mine (DaveO) from work. He has been a member of an online community (BBS) called, whose members share technical and emotional information/experiences regarding recording your own music in your own home.

Last year, published a Compilation CD of songs written, recorded and submitted by its members. This August, will publish its second CD, " Compilation Vol II," or just "Comp II." DaveO and I have written and digitally recorded (on our home computers) a song which will be on this CD.

If you would like to demonstrate your support of independent recording artists such as us, please consider ordering a copy of this 3-CD Set for a mere $22. :)

If you're interested, just go to the Pre-Order page link below, and click on PayPal.
Home Page
BBS Main Page
Compilation CD Volume II
Status Page:
Pre-order Page:

Comp II will contain submissions from the wildly varying members of the This means that the CD will be a wildly varying mix of rock, country, thrash, pop, ballads, techno, hip hop, etc., all written and recorded by amateurs in their own homes. Some of it's ok, some of it's amazing. At the very least you'll find it very interesting. The Pre-order Page contains 30-sec samples from 7 of the songs on the CD to whet your appetite.
Wow! That is damned good sales pitch!

Sure beats the hell outta:

"If you've ever sat on your balls, you must pre-order!"

Guess we know who failed Marketing 101 and who didn't!
