Really Cheap Mic Preamps


New member
I'm a newbie and I know this is probably a stupid question but, how bad are the multichannel preamps such as the Nady PRA-8 or the SM PR8 Eight-Channel Mic Pre-Amp? They're both like $99.99 at musiciansfriend. I have a motu 828 which has phantom power to only two of the 8 inputs and would like a multichannel preamp for the remaining inputs (well at least 4 of them).
They are not even worth wasting your money. IMHO your best bet for cheap preamps is to buy a yamaha mg series mixer. That way you can get six perfectly okay and usable pres for 200 bucks, and you will probably find the mixer very useful too.
honestly, for $99.00 you'd be better off buying the Yamaha mg10/2 it has 4 nice sounding mic pre's (better than Mackie) it has 2 inserts that can be used as seperate direct outs (on two of the channels) and the other 2 pre's can be panned left and right and sent out of the mains (stereo outs)...this way you can have 4 mic pre's leaving the mixer sperately.

by far a much better board and pre's than you'll find in behringer/mackie/Nady/SMProAudio...If you have $199.00 to spend and need more than 4 outputs you would even better off with the mg12/4. with 6 mic pre's and some similar creative routing (it has an added stereo bus) you can get all 6 mic pre's out individually.
you could always use a small mixer down the road as you continue to upgrade!

you might be ok with the $199.00 SMPro Audio mkII which is an eight channel pre with many more features than its $99.00 little brother, but I have not heard it. Its 2 space rack size and features makes it look nicer than anything in that range, but you know how looks go. maybe worth the gamble as a noobie?

if you really dont need 8 channels a good budget alternative would be the Yamaha.

good luck.
Thanks for the input. That's why I love coming to this board. I've been looking at the yamaha mg series mixers already. Price is not a real big issue. I don't get too much slack about what I spend on stuff. But my wife would freak if I bought anything really expensive. But yeah thanks again. HAve a nice Memorial Day.
I don't really have a limit per se. I would like to spend less than 500 bucks on one though. But that's not set in stone. I pretty much only record my band (we're a trio of 30 something aging punk rockers). We've played in bands together off and on since 1989 or so. We all went to college, got jobs had kids and now have reconnected mucisally. I really just want to be able to get a decent sounding recording without breaking the bank. My other thought was to go into a studio but quality work I hear for the price around here (Florida Panhandle) is not that good. Anyway, sorry for straying off topic.
Yep, I'll second the MG 12/4
For 200 clams you really can't go wrong.
And Yamaha is a name you won't get embarrased saying..... unlike another starting with "B" ;)
I dont want too add to your confusion, but since you mentioned a budget of $500.00 let me throw 2 more options at ya!...

since your motu 828mkII has 8 additional channels of ADAT/Optical. have you thought of either the digimax LT or the M-Audio Octane? both are 8 channel mic pre's with very good/clean converters to give you 8 additional ins without sacraficing the 2 mic pre's on the 828 and its remaining inputs (I think its another 8 analog if I remember correctly)

I've seen the digimax LT on ebay (new) for $500ish and the Octane new is the same price...if you're swingin $500 its very much worth the extra $30-$50 for either of these depending on your deal. a real step up in mic pre's than what we've been mentioning not too mention the great converters and the 8 ADAT I/0's. I've used the digimax LT (not the digimax96 with built in compression $1300.00) but the LT which is the same unit without the compression and it sounds great on drums as well as other sources.

Octane the Octane is based on the same pre's in the DMP3 and they sound really good on drums as well!


Again if these are out of budget than go with the Yammi board...good luck!
Entry preamps

Another way to approach it is to load up on M-Audio DMP3 preamps as you are able. They run about $80 per channel for a 2-channel box. Or (as mentioned) the M-Audio 8-channel Octane.
actually it goes for $150.00. I think he was making the point that it breaks down to $80 a channel. (though you cant actually cut one in half, its a way of showing its overall value)
Ok, this is probably gonna sound really stupid but I'm a newb at this site and most things discussed here so please dont laugh.

What else can you use a mixer for apart from adding extra mic pres (I only have 2 on my Digi 001, but might need to add more if I decide to mic a drumkit).

Aren't the preamps in the Yamaha mixer the same sterile weak preamps that are in the AW16G DAW ? If they are how could you reccomend them with a straight face. :confused:
Bobalou said:
honestly, for $99.00 you'd be better off buying the Yamaha mg10/2 it has 4 nice sounding mic pre's (better than Mackie) it has 2 inserts that can be used as seperate direct outs (on two of the channels) and the other 2 pre's can be panned left and right and sent out of the mains (stereo outs)...this way you can have 4 mic pre's leaving the mixer sperately.

Hey Bob-alou!
You mentioned that you can have 4 mic pre's, on the Yamaha MG10 leaving the mixer separately.

If you, or someone else can explain, how to go about, and set that up, and what I would need to accomplish that-- That would be very helpful, . 'cause, I was under the impression that the MG10, only had a 2 buss out. . .But, if you figured out away, . to send 4 channels out separately, . .that would be great! Please share, . .
Bobalou said:
it has 4 nice sounding mic pre's (better than Mackie).... far a much better board and pre's than you'll find in behringer/mackie/Nady/SMProAudio...
I use an MG10/2 as a talkback mixer in the studio... while it's a great unit for talkback, the pres aren't anything to write home about... they're not better than Mackie pres, IMO.