Real Time Effects While Recording ?


New member
Hello Everyone,
I record using computer interface “Aardvark Q10”

It doesn’t provide real time effects while I am recording so I need a way to have real time effects while recording? Any advice? If I buy an effects processor will it do ?

Thanks in advance
Your machine has 4 inserts. You need to purchase an insert cable (Looks like a big "Y") to run your signal through whichever effects device you have.
Other than compression, what effects would you want to record in real time?
Delays sometimes are good during live recording.

Check this one out

TC Electronic M350 Reverb and Effects Processor

A good thing about this one that it can be fully integrated with DAW. So you have an hardware effect that is controlled from software like a plug in, that makes controll very flexible. And the quality of TC effects is very good!

Thanks for a quick reply Jim Lad.

I will buy effects device. However, i don't want to record the effects i just need to hear them while recording so they will enrich my musical feelings.

will I still be able to listen to the effects without recording them while recording ?
put input monitoring on on whatever daw you are using and use fx plugins...zillions of cheap and free ones around. You can chose to monitor thru them or to record them, either way
Another method would be to run your signal to a separate mixer, apply the effects there and listen through headphones.
So in your case
1) Record as usual.
2) Ignore the headphones on your Aardvark.
3) Your device has Digital I/O: 24 Bit S/PDIF In/Out (RCA). Run your signal via the RCA lines out to a mixer with effects added. You could even use the headphone jack as a line out.
Plug your headset into the mixer and Robert is your mother's brother. You can hear yourself but the effects are not being recorded.

I use the Behringer Xenyx 1204 FX for this and it works great with zero latency. There are plenty of cheap mixers to be found, Mackie & Behringer being the most popular, I think.
Sounds Good.
I already have a Mackie Mixer that i can use that way. I will give it a try to today.

Thanks a lot again.
It did work

I connected the 2 monitor outputs (L & R) from Aardvark to Line inputs in Mackie Mixer and hocked up my headphones to the Mackie.

0 latency and it’s really great !

Thank you so much guys, not only you saved me 200$ but also saved me time learning and hocking up a new tool.

I love this forum.