real mic..


New member
hi.. How can i use a real mic on my computer?The only sound cards they sell for that are extern?
You can still use your computer's sound card but it will be a lot better to get one made for recording.

The signal chain would be:

Microphone -> Preamp -> Mixer (optional) -> Sound card

Most outputs on preamps are 1/4". Most inputs on normal sound cards 1/8". So you need a 1/4" to 1/8" adapter. They are like $2-$3 at Radio Shack. You just hook it onto the end of the cable and then plug it into your sound card's Line In jack.
You can still use your computer's sound card but it will be a lot better to get one made for recording.

The signal chain would be:

Microphone -> Preamp -> Mixer (optional) -> Sound card

Most outputs on preamps are 1/4". Most inputs on normal sound cards 1/8". So you need a 1/4" to 1/8" adapter. They are like $2-$3 at Radio Shack. You just hook it onto the end of the cable and then plug it into your sound card's Line In jack.

i do that but it dosent sound loud at all ..i can barely ear what im racording..
what can i do?
With my cheap computer mic it sound loud..