Reaching vocal limits


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Long time no post.

Would highly appreciate a couple minutes of your time listening to the top song called "Here With Me." I tried my best to do this Mercy Me cover (acoustic version) and am now considering giving it up. I think the vocal demands are just too much for my limited range to handle.

Please let me know what you guys think and thanks in advance.
I don't know the original song, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

I am listening as I type. I am about a minute in, and it's sounding pretty good so far.

Yeah, a little pitchy on the first notes of the chorus, but that's fixable.

I think it's in your range so far, but I have to get all the way through; like I said, I don't really know the song...

Ok, second time through, you weren't pitchy, so it can be fixed.

OK, the improves near the 3:00 mark can be done by taking it down an octave. I know it's nice to be able to do that kind of emotional, soulful type singing, but if you can't, you can't.

Don't give up on it, just retrack it and keep the vocal performance within your boundaries.

I am not a very good singer, you are far better than I am, but I have learned through trial and error (check out some of the stuff I have posted in this clinic. All my songs are on soundclick for listening) how to stay in my range.
Long time no post.

Would highly appreciate a couple minutes of your time listening to the top song called "Here With Me." I tried my best to do this Mercy Me cover (acoustic version) and am now considering giving it up. I think the vocal demands are just too much for my limited range to handle.

Please let me know what you guys think and thanks in advance.

Doesn't sound bad really, I can hear some straining at 3 minutes though. A change of key would be an easy solution-try A or A# instead of B.