re-installing dxi wrapper

Bullet Days

New member
for some reason, i uninstalled the wrapper that came with sonar. i think it was because it kept stalling on me and i got pissed off too many times. i'm using a free wrapper i got from spin audio, but it's only good for vst's. i need one that installs dxi's like novation bass station. i don't even know why spin audio let me install novation as a vst plug in--it's useless that way!

so, is it possible to re-install just the wrapper from my sonar cd? from the attempts i made, you'll need to re-install all of sonar again, and i'm afraid to do that as i may lose my settings. or, is there a free one out there that's as good as cakewalk's wrapper?
If I remember correctly you can just run the installer again, choose "Custom Install" and deactivate anything but the VST Wrapper.
i thought sonar could run DX plugs nativly....
I didn't think you needed a wrapper for Dx plugs, only for vsts
minofifa said:
i thought sonar could run DX plugs nativly....
I didn't think you needed a wrapper for Dx plugs, only for vsts

He's talkin about using VSTi's if i'm not mistaken?