re:how do i get midi in cakewalk into an mp3 file?


New member
Hello there, well since i put to use what john sayers and others suggested to me, on how to get my midi to an mp3 file. i registered at the other night with my first recorded tune,please take the recording with a grain of salt,,,,,,,,made with the bare boned essentials the tune is named cry, ummm and the unfortunately...the lo-fi isn't working for some reason,,,,anyways i'm working on that,,,peace :o)
I liked the tunes, but those synth tones from the SB have to GO! Send me the MIDI file and I'll record it with a Sound Canvas and send you the .mp3.
Then you can decide if it's worth it to you to get a synth module. Plenty of modules lots cheaper than the SC88 that will do a nice job.
A little too full for minimalist... :)
Amazing that you got that computer mic to pick up your voice like that. A mere $80 will get you an SM-57 with a cable and a mic stand, but you'll still need some sort of pre-amp to get it into the SB.
You'll definitely like this upgrade.
Hey, if you have an SB Live, you can get some really good-sounding Sound Fonts to use in place of the default wavetable sounds. There are some free ones, some very good, out there on the web, and some you can buy too from Emu, Sonic Implants, and others. Check out for a start.
Thanx AlChuck, ...bummer, i don't have the SBLive i have an old awe64 (no gold), but i will bookmark that site fer future ref. thanx again!!