rd700sx eq settings

hi, i've been monkeying with my roland for a few months now and what i've tried from the manual doesn't seem to work.

is there any way to lock in my eq settings to a patch? every time i turn the thing on, i have to put the eq back to where i want it. i tried doing the setup assign thing, and even changed "setup" to "system" in edit mode. i get the little "eq" icon on the screen, but when i turn on the eq it shows up flat. :confused:
I dont mean to sound negative or weird but maybe you dont really need eq on the roland and your problems are else where ie; the desk or DI. I hardly ever use the eq on my roland and when I do its only mid gig when i need either more depth or more clarity and I only increase the frequencies I want by a few a Db and a half. So maybe if you kept a permenant EQ on the desk or the DI your going into that would help.
My 2 Pence
I dont mean to sound negative or weird but maybe you dont really need eq on the roland and your problems are else where ie; the desk or DI. I hardly ever use the eq on my roland and when I do its only mid gig when i need either more depth or more clarity and I only increase the frequencies I want by a few a Db and a half. So maybe if you kept a permenant EQ on the desk or the DI your going into that would help.
My 2 Pence

you're right, i don't really need eq for recording purposes. my problem is with the crappy amp i play through for rehearsal. it's not a keyboard amp, but an acoustic guitar amp. so i'm just trying to compensate for the lousy amplifier to get the wool out of it and cut through a live mix better. eventually i'll get a groove tubes spacestation, but for now i have to work with what i have. thanks for the input though. :)
When you do the setup, does it appear that when you store/write it, that it really does it? Do you get the message "Are you sure?" during the write process, followed by, "Writing...."? Have you been able to save any changes in setups not related to the EQ? I can't see in the manual where it would clearly say EQ can be saved, but it makes sense if it's part of a setup.

I don't have an RD-700. Your post caught my eye and I downloaded the manual.

yes, i've gotten the "write" function to work on other parameters. i'm thinking that it's a distinct possibility that locking in the eq is not a feature of this board. the lack of explicit instructions on how to do so is what led me to start the thread. seems like an odd feature to omit, though, doesn't it?

thanks for the effort--i really appreciate it.
I spent a couple of minutes trawling through the net and what not, :S
It seems like a mistery, but I hope all goes well. And use your ear!
If its a simple case of boosting because the amp is shoddy and you want to cut through
Id boost the 2-3k up a bit.
Good Luck Mate