RCA BC7A broadcast console


New member
Anyone know where I can get a hold of a RCA BC7A radio broadcast board? These can be run mono or stereo.
I have seen a couple on EBay but they were costly.I would love to have one for my home studio.Any ideas on where to look?:listeningmusic:
I saw a single channel's power supply go for around $80 and a manual for $50. I can't even imagine what one in decent working order would go for.
I've tried blot the memories of using consoles like that from my mind. They were old even when I entered the industry (at CKRD Red Deer Alberta). And I've got a lot of miles on me now....
I own two RCA BCA-7A consoles.Both are operational.I am downsizing and must get rid of some of my antique broadcast equipment.I'll forward pictures of the boards,ampex tape recorders and an old RCA turntable used in the 50's and 60's (long before digital music and CD players).My email address is tedduncan@mac.com.