Raw Tracks


New member
I am going to start tracking a cd for some friends in October. We were able to get together awhile back and cut a few preliminary tracks for analysis so we can hopefully make some adjustments etc. before actual tracking. I'm making a laundry list of stuff to work on, but I thought I'd get some more ears involved before I start this thing. These are pretty much as they were laid down except I rolled some low end off the overheads and touched up the kick with a little eq cut to make it settle down a little bit. Other than that, no effects, reverb, compression or anything has been added post tracking. This is just one guitar part,bass and drums.

Let me know what you hear. Thanks!

bass n guits sound a-ok. they can be produced into something thats great.
The drums....

They sound a little distant, could just be the rough mix.
But it sounds like the overheads are taking care of most all the buisness.
Unless its Jazz, thats not the way i'd like to hear rock drums, personally.
I like em to sound a bit more in your face.
I think the sound of the toms is what makes me think this.
They sounded a little far away.

Even still. With what i just heard and some good mixing skills , that could turn out really nice id say.
Thanks for the listen and reply. You nailed it on the overheads, I haven't put any tom mics on the kit yet. This band is really into the '70's rock Zepplin type thing (drummer worships Bonham) so I am trying to get a more classic/open type drum sound than you'd hear on a modern rock record.

I was working with the Recorderman mic technique posted here a while back(there's a thread somewhere in the drum forum). I added an ld condensor about 6 in. back from the snare to the 3 mic setup.

I'm still working on gits and bass. I'm pretty happy with the git sound except I want to chase some of the 60hz hum away next time. The bass player just got a new preamp, cant recall what it is right now but I think it will be better than what we were doing. I just can't wait 'til October to get this thing off the ground!
strmkr said:
Thanks for the listen and reply. You nailed it on the overheads, I haven't put any tom mics on the kit yet. This band is really into the '70's rock Zepplin type thing (drummer worships Bonham) so I am trying to get a more classic/open type drum sound than you'd hear on a modern rock record.

I was working with the Recorderman mic technique posted here a while back(there's a thread somewhere in the drum forum). I added an ld condensor about 6 in. back from the snare to the 3 mic setup.

I'm still working on gits and bass. I'm pretty happy with the git sound except I want to chase some of the 60hz hum away next time. The bass player just got a new preamp, cant recall what it is right now but I think it will be better than what we were doing. I just can't wait 'til October to get this thing off the ground!

If youve got the mic's and the channels to do it, i would still go ahead and mic his toms...
If anything you could just blend them in a little to fatten things up if needed. Like theyll do in jazz sometimes. A back up plan of sorts.
Good luck to you in October my man.
Post a result here if they are cool with it. Id like to check it out when its done.