Rap music originated in medieval Scottish pubs, claims American professor


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Rap music originated in medieval Scottish pubs, claims American professor
Rap music originated in the medieval taverns of Scotland rather than the mean streets of the Bronx and Brooklyn, an American academic has claimed.

Professor Ferenc Szasz argued that so-called rap battles, where two or more performers trade elaborate insults, derive from the ancient Caledonian art of “flyting”.

According to the theory, Scottish slave owners took the tradition with them to the United States, where it was adopted and developed by slaves, emerging many years later as rap.

Professor Szasz is convinced there is a clear link between this tradition for settling scores in Scotland and rap battles, which were famously portrayed in Eminem’s 2002 movie 8 Mile.

He said: “The Scots have a lengthy tradition of flyting - intense verbal jousting, often laced with vulgarity, that is similar to the dozens that one finds among contemporary inner-city African-American youth.
well if ya wanna play that game you'll have to consider the ancient greeks... aftyer all the original song (psalm) didnt even have music... it was just reading a poem and the only accompaniment if at all was a strummed lyre...

though i favor the beat poets of the 50's and 60's as the originators of rap...
F.T.S. Why is it when black folks create something and it gets big some white dude comes along and try's to say it was created by white people. For example "rock and roll" and Little Richard !!! "Rapping" has it's deepest roots in jazz and the blues. People been dissing each other for 1000's years, that does not mean thats where "battle rapping" came from. Basically give the credit where it is due. I doubt that Grandmaster Caz or Melly Mel where hangin out in medieval scottish pubs and was like yo, we sould do that too! Hiphop started in the South Bronx and that is it.

Eh, if I might lob a grenade into the conversation, back in the early 1980s I saw a special on the 'new' rap genre which had virtually no artists signed to a label. They stated that it actually came from a meeting of two warring NY gangs. One of the leaders was impressed with the idea that old English Kings had to be addressed in rhyme as a matter of respect. The gang 'Kings' agreed that 'rapping' had to be done in rhyme, most of which took place around those old oil drums street people used to sing around (you see them in the first Rocky movie) and keep warm at.

Addressing the "King of Harlem" or the "King of The East Bronx" in anything but rap could mean...death.

That's what was said in the early 1980s, and I haven't got a link, so Believe it or not!
For example "rock and roll" and Little Richard !!! "Rapping" has it's deepest roots in jazz and the blues. Dub

just cause LR say it aint make it so... and to say it comes from jazz is laughable... and the ignorance that is the basis for the statement is the reason jazzers for the most part wont go near rap... as to whitey stealin yo culture... alotta shit can be laid at the feet of whitey but this aint it... you got no culture cause ya got no culture... the race as a whole unfortunately has been sold a bill of goods... in the past it was even better to take a cowboy or indian culture as yours when you didnt have one... dont believe it??? try checkin into the buffalo soldiers or the indian garb worn by lotsa the new orleans crowd at mardi gras...

but actually i'd rather talk about music... ya got any???
I thought White folks invented black folks. :D

Obviously I jest, but this thread is ignorant, and I would guess purposefully inflamatory.

Troll on.......

Troll on......
That is the biggest amount of bullshit I have ever read. And I'm white so it doesn't insult me. Though I do believe it started many places asside from the Bronx taking credit for it. How do 2 people just START A NEW PHASE of music with people that just LATCH ON ALL OVER INSTANTLY. I think not.
If anything you just proved that MTVs "Yo Momma" was invented by the scottish... Not the guy from that 70's show and it sure as fuck didn't relate to rapping. It didn't involve rhyming. and shit talking has always been around. How do you think people were killed aside from women back then.

If that were the mechanism, you would expect that tradition to be carried on more strongly within the Scottish families themselves, and you would expect that contemporary documentation of such verbal duels between Scots-American aristocrats would have been recorded in 18th and 19th century press and literature. But I'm pretty sure that Andrew Jackson wasn't happy merely insulting his foes . . . and did Michael Manley and Edward Seaga ever have a rap-off? Not that I recall . . .

Verbal duels occur in every epic literature I am familiar with. I think Prof. is being silly--black people invented rap as a result of Jamaican influences on funk music.