Random Cubase SX3 Problem


New member
everyonce in a while, my Cubase acts as if the sample rate changed to 4bit, then randomly changes back, It makes it unusable. I have used this computer with Cubase for 4 years and never a problem. This problem began when I reinstalled Windows. Ive tried drivers both old and new. Messing around with latency. I am using MAudio ASIO, however I used to use ASIO Multimedia Driver, and it used to work like a charm. So mad at myself for reinstalling. I have attached a youtube video. the best way i can describe it is that randomly the sample rate drops to near nothing.


If anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

Minh Duong

I am using cubase to record my sound track. I have a Xenyx1204FX Mixer. I am trying to connect to my Delta DL1010. I am having problem connect them together,
1) I connect Aux send into my mic line in.
2) Line out from DL1010 to line in of Xenyx1204FX Mixer
3) Mic line #1 for my Rode Mic (works no problem)
4) Load up my sound track into cubase and start recording. The sound track would bleed into my new audio track. Talked to the local music store sales rep and he said it is ok to have a little bleeding in my sound track does it sound right?
5) My monitor is connect to main outputs
6) Tried to connect Micro AMP HA400 to Phones, I can hear my sound track on my head phone but not my voice.

I am running out of option, please help me how to proper connect them and what ma I doing wrong.
Your help is much appreciated.
Minh Duong