Ramsa A/D Converters

Chris Fallen

New member
I was just wondering how good these are? I'm looking through a Full Compass thing I got with my mxl 603s and they're on closeout for $795 (8 channels) and are usually $2500 it looks like. I can't find them at 8th St or Bayview or anythign to compare prices.

How do these rate compared to other high priced a/d?

Anyway, just a heads up in case these turn out to be worth it.
They should be the same converts that are in the DA7 digital mixer except that they do 96khz.

There is a forum dedicated to the DA7 and users over there really seem to dig the converters. Here is the site http://www.da7.com

Head on over there and ask around. You'll probably get a better response.