Ramones cover song


Teenager from mars
hi guys.

ok i wanted to show you guys this blitztrieg bop cover me and my band recorded to hear your comments on it.it took us about 1 hour and a half to do it.we started with the drums that were recorded with two of those cheapy black behringer mics a few feet above the drums,we then done the bass wich was recorded from a d.i. out on a laney bass amp,then the guitar was recorded through a line out of my behringer amp and lastly the vocals and backing vocals we used a shure sm-58,it was all recorded through a presonuse inspire .there was hardly any mixing done on the song (our drummer was getting restless,you know what drummers can be like .joking) although we added some compression ont the drums.
please note this was the first song we have ever recorded together and only took about a hour or so on it.any comments are welcomed thank you for looking.