Radiolab Remix. Electroacoustic Glitch.


New member
Finished a remix last week for a Radiolab remixing contest. I created a kind of glitchy/sound-mosaic/dream pop kind of musical piece to accompany Jeffrey Tambor's ("Pop-Pop" from Arrested Development!) narration.

I spent the vast majority of my many, many hours working on the remix in composition and sound selection, so the mixing process didn't get as much attention before the deadline as I would have liked.

Since my ears are fried at this point, I'm wondering how the narration fares in terms of being audible in the mix (too loud in relation too music? not loud enough?), and if there are any things that jump out as irritating tonally or dynamics-wise. Didn't have time to master it, so I adjusted the volume so that it's peaking at -.1 dBFS.

View attachment Sum (King Seamus Remix).mp3

Backup link to website (may stream as .WAV, not sure if they compress the audio files upon playback): King Seamus's Radiolab Remix Contest Submission - Indaba Music
Thanks man!

In audio school they taught us that in narration pieces featuring music and/or sound design that "the vocal must be king," so I tried to adhere to that maxim.
I think the balance is pretty good. The vocal is clearly audible. I like the atmospheric backing too, it all fits together very well