Rack won!t hold equiptment


New member
I just got a new raxxess 20 space rack from sam ash, and I put the thing together (no instructions, figures..) and tried to put my compressor and hartke bass head into the damn thing and it doesn't fit!! I am almost positive it is put together correctly, and I thought all of this is supposed to follow a standard size. anyone know whats wrong with his thing?
yes, it measures 19 inches - also, it seems like no equiptment I get comes with rack mounting hardware!!
this sounds silly but make sure the equipment is rackmountable ... also when u say it doesnt fir , is it just slightly too tight or way to big or small ... cos if its just a little to small then make sure you havent squashed the front panel by tightening things too tight ... just a few suggestions ...
I also have a coupla' Raxess racks and I make EVERYTHING fit in. All my outboard gear are standard 19" and they fit in with ease. For my non-standard equipment,I bought standard-size rack shelves that are used for non-mountable equipment such as my tape decks,ampheads,etc.of which these same shelves have brackets you can hook up to a rack shelf. Priced at $20.00 from musiciansfriend and Sam Ash.