Rack Cooling

Frank Story

New member
I'm planning to build a desktop short rack cabinet for one preamp, reverb and power strip. How much space should I leave between my rack units for adequate cooling. I notice that my Tampa has cooling gills on the top of the cabinet so I'm guessing that that quite a bit of heat wants out.
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I wouldn't worry about it too much. :) You can put it at the top, there is usually a little more space above it that way, or put a shallow piece above it, so the vents are uncovered. Or you can just put it in your rack and forget it. It won't melt.
I wouldn't worry too much about it. A rackmount computer or power amp might be a different story but the gear you listed should be fine racked right up against each other. FWIW, I have a M-Audio Octane and it has the fins. I've got it racked between my Digi002 and (ehem behringer) compressor with no problems.
Thanks for the replys. Looking at pics of everyone's rack gear, it looked like most of it was mounted with minimum clearance. With a lot of electronic gear, heat is a killer but I don't plan to have more than two or three pieces in my rack.
Most rack rails come in even numbered sizes, so you'd probably need to go with a four space rack. That's what I would suggest anyway. You can mount the gear so that there is a small space above each piece. Basically, one screw hole would be showing between each unit. For very hot running gear this would not be enough, but in your situation it would most likely be fine and allow a little air circulation. If you've got the space, use it.
reshp1 said:

Right, but you have to consider that there is a room behind that gear, at the very least a hallway. Certainly there is access to the gear from behind the rack. That area will most likely be air conditioned, and could also have fans blowing cool air on the back of the hotter running pieces. There will be air movement around the rear of those racks. I really doubt he just lets that gear cook in the rack.
I woung up having custom blank panels made for the rack of tube stuff i use. I had to. Lots of heat. The rack is open in the back, but i did have a few problems where something really warm was making something directly above it "unhappy."

Depending on what you are planning to shove in there, I wouldnt worry about it. I ave another whole rack of smaller, discrete and solid state gear that is just packed full, no problems.

The band called the dammitheads posted a picture of that rack on their website. This is from a while ago, but you get the idea..

SonicAlbert said:
Right, but you have to consider that there is a room behind that gear, at the very least a hallway. Certainly there is access to the gear from behind the rack. That area will most likely be air conditioned, and could also have fans blowing cool air on the back of the hotter running pieces. There will be air movement around the rear of those racks. I really doubt he just lets that gear cook in the rack.

Yeah, I know, I was just kidding. He's got a lot of tube stuff in there too though. Seriously, I think the OP will be fine with the gear he listed.