R16 - Import file name query


New member
I've downloaded a file from Cubase which meets the Zoom requirements as per page 73 of the manual. In the R16 I've created a project and done the stereo link for 2 tracks. When I try to import the file an asterisk flashes at the start of the file name which prevents the import. The manual states file names should use only capital letters, numbers and the underscore, is the underscore mandatory somewhere in the file name cause I don't have one?

Thanks in advance.
Maybe the .wav format is incorrect?

• To import an audio file into the R16, its format must
be WAV with a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz and
a bit rate of 16 or 24.
• File names should use only capital letters, numbers
and the "_" (underscore). They should be 8 or fewer
characters plus the “.WAV” extension.
• You can connect the R16 and a computer by USB
when the power is on. If you connect the R16 by
USB when its [POWER] switch is OFF, you can start
it up with power supplied over USB.
• When you are using the R16 as a card reader
or as an audio
Maybe the .wav format is incorrect?

• To import an audio file into the R16, its format must
be WAV with a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz and
a bit rate of 16 or 24.
• File names should use only capital letters, numbers
and the "_" (underscore). They should be 8 or fewer
characters plus the “.WAV” extension.
• You can connect the R16 and a computer by USB
when the power is on. If you connect the R16 by
USB when its [POWER] switch is OFF, you can start
it up with power supplied over USB.
• When you are using the R16 as a card reader
or as an audio
Thanks, as regards the file name, does it have to contain an underscore?