Quick Question?


New member
Is it pointless to run a tube-mic through a mic-pre that isn't a tube-mic pre? I have a V69 running through my omni studio. The mic-pre's on the omni studio obviously aren't amazing but have been satisfactory in the past. Now that I have the V69 I'm wondering what would better compliment it in ways of relatively inexpensive mic-pre's (under 400) Thanks!
caleb2438 said:
Is it pointless to run a tube-mic through a mic-pre that isn't a tube-mic pre?

The answer to that, my friend, is a resounding "yes."

In fact, for maximum tube enjoyment level, it is highly recommended that you use a tube mic cable as well. From there, you must proceed to nothing less than an all-tube patchbay.

Unfortunately, I haven't heard of any progress made in the development of the tube mic stand ... but I have all the faith in the world that it will become a reality.

Oh yes ... it will.
direct and to the point as always...

No it's not pointless. You really only want one tube stage in the signal chain. That's a guideline, not a rule. If the mic is SS, then you can warm it up with a tube preamp. If the mic is a tube mic, it's already got that so you would use a solid state preamp. You should experiment and decide by what sounds good to your ear.
Thanks everybody! I will try renting a tube-pre and see if the difference is worth spending the money on. Cheers - Caleb