quick question to do with how i mix.


New member

ok, so i've read a couple of post's saying mixing on headphones is a big nono, but i've been mixing with some beyerdynamic DT100's since i can remember, now as far as i understand (and this is why i invested in them) they are the industry standard in flat responce headphones, and being headphones, dont require any room correction.
sooooo am i ok with these 'phones or have i wasted money anddd about 2 years. my mix's have only gotten better since having the beyers buttt thats naturel progression right?

thanks, matt
It's not the frequency response that is the issue...it's the fact that headphones are plastered up against your ears...it ruins the space/depth perception for your ears.

Headphones are good a lot of things...but you should always check your mixes on monitors if you want them to sound good on other systems.
I don't think you've wasted your money if you've been increasingly happy with your mixes. I try to avoid using words like "never". Rather than say "Never say never" or if you're in Paris, "Ne dis jamais jamais", I'd say "rarely say never". :)
I think it's a really interesting subject. Sometimes I've felt hot to trot and mixed on phones late at night coz the kids were asleep and so were the neighbours and the results ranged from OK-ish to hopeless. In all honesty, I'd rather hear openly what I'm trying to mix because I've personally found that headphones can be a bit deceptive. And sometimes they sound crowded {I've tried to train my ears to listen at much lower volumes in that regard}. But that's me; from reading these boards, I can see that different folk have different feelings on the subject.

Which part of the West Midlands are you in ?
It's not the frequency response that is the issue...it's the fact that headphones are plastered up against your ears...it ruins the space/depth perception for your ears.

Headphones are good a lot of things...but you should always check your mixes on monitors if you want them to sound good on other systems.

so you would say the space/depth is innacurate? my mix's usually translate well to the odd devices i test the mix out on before mastering, and i've alwalys found the sub bass to be my let down and havent notice'd any spaceing issues, but i shall pay special attention in the future! thanks
I don't think you've wasted your money if you've been increasingly happy with your mixes. I try to avoid using words like "never". Rather than say "Never say never" or if you're in Paris, "Ne dis jamais jamais", I'd say "rarely say never". :)
I think it's a really interesting subject. Sometimes I've felt hot to trot and mixed on phones late at night coz the kids were asleep and so were the neighbours and the results ranged from OK-ish to hopeless. In all honesty, I'd rather hear openly what I'm trying to mix because I've personally found that headphones can be a bit deceptive. And sometimes they sound crowded {I've tried to train my ears to listen at much lower volumes in that regard}. But that's me; from reading these boards, I can see that different folk have different feelings on the subject.

Which part of the West Midlands are you in ?

haha see i brought the beyer's beliveing they were 'flat respoce' in the sence you hear the music and absolutly no emphasism off the headphones, i have much to learn!

and the sunny city of 100 dreams, yes.... walsall

I don't think you've wasted your money if you've been increasingly happy with your mixes.
Bingo. The question is not if you made the right decision 2 years ago, it's about 2 years too late to do anything about that either way. The question is, how are your mixes doing?

If this were two year ago, we'd probably all (including me) be advising you to try something other than headphones for the reasons given. But sometimes when someone doesn't know they "can't" do something, they go ahead and learn how to do it anyway because they didn't know any better ;). You've had two years of practice with those cans. If you're happy with the way your mixes are going, then don't worry about it. If you're having issues with your mixes that you just can't seem to get a handle on, then maybe trying loudspeakers might be in order (though it'll probably be a bit of a shock making the change at first.)

Bingo. The question is not if you made the right decision 2 years ago, it's about 2 years too late to do anything about that either way. The question is, how are your mixes doing?

If this were two year ago, we'd probably all (including me) be advising you to try something other than headphones for the reasons given. But sometimes when someone doesn't know they "can't" do something, they go ahead and learn how to do it anyway because they didn't know any better ;). You've had two years of practice with those cans. If you're happy with the way your mixes are going, then don't worry about it. If you're having issues with your mixes that you just can't seem to get a handle on, then maybe trying loudspeakers might be in order (though it'll probably be a bit of a shock making the change at first.)


i feel stupid for asking now, should of figured that one out on my own lol.

thanks, matt.
i feel stupid for asking now, should of figured that one out on my own lol.
Nah, don't worry about it. At the risk of sounding like a bad American politician, sometimes one doesn't know if there's something they don't know. Then you gotta ask. :)
