Quick question for the new AA 3.0

bad intentionz

New member
Im not new to home recording but not very good with gear and mechnics of programs due to im 17 and have not attended school for it yet so please exucse if the problems im hvaing are dumb. Frist i couldn;t find in aa 3.0 the menu where u can just silence the selected waves. ( I'm not talking about the generate menu one) Also how can i make so that i can hear myself speaking into the mic with out recording or anything like that (hope i worded it correctly). I run with a audio techn 3035 into a tascam 144 ( the white and black one) and a pair of m-audio bx5as if that matters. Thanks for the help.
You don't have to attend a special school to learn it. within a couple of years I had it figured out pretty well on my own and with the help of sites like this on the net.

If you want to monitor yourself there is a button at the bottom that lets you switch between something like "audition mix" and hardware monitoring. choose audition mix and "always on". then arm the track you want to monitor by hitting "R".
In Multi-Track View, there's a horizontal row of buttons at the left end of each track labeled "R" (red) "S" (yellow) and "M" (green). "R" arms the track to record, "S" solos that track (mutes all the others) and "M" mutes that track only.

The 144 ought to allow you to hear yourself without recording: it's simply a matter of routing the signal within the device. Look in the manual.

AA 3.0 has a "smart monitoring" option that uses the ASIO facility to route the signal back and forth which takes a little getting used to, for us old guys who started with Cool Edit Pro, but if you experiment with it a little you can get it to work.