Quick monitoring question (bypassing mic pre on mixer)


New member
I've just purchased a FMR RNP for two of my mic pre's. I know that in order to only get the straight sound from the RNP that I shouldn't run through my mixer like I was planning on doing. If that's the case, then how can I monitor what's coming from the RNP since it would be bypassing the mixer and going straight to the computer? Is there a way to go from my RNP straight to the mixer but somehow bypassing the mic pre there? My mixing board is a Soundcraft Spirit Folio SX if that helps at all.
just monitor the output of the computer as you normally would with any other track you record. how's you mixer hooked up to your computer now?
I may have worded that first question wrong. I don't have a problem with monitoring tracks that I've already got recorded. Right now, I have the output from the computer going straight to the mixer where I can then monitor the output just fine. That's only for tracks that have already been recorded though.

Normally, I'd be recording my tracks directly from the RNP into the mixer (could monitor the RNP's signal then) and then sending it to the computer. I've seen it stated here many times though that I need to bypass the mixer pre's and instead run straight from the RNP to the computer.

That's where the problem is. If I bypass my mixer then how can I monitor that signal from the RNP since it's going straight to the computer? I'd still be able to hear my pre-recorded tracks from the mixer but wouldn't be able to hear what was coming out of the RNP since it would be bypassing the mixer altogether.

Sorry if this is confusing. I just can't figure this out.
Benny had it right. Your soundcard and whatever s/w you're using should allow you to monitor the signal going into the computer along with playing back your other tracks. I run a pre straight into my soundcard in, outs go to the monitors and it works just fine.

With some machines this might cause latency problems, but most setups have a direct monitoring option through the PC. Alternatively, if for some reason that doesn't work, using a line input on your Soundcraft - assuming it has one, which it must do - would bypass it's pre's, there would still be some signal degredation in theory but you'd need golden ears to spot it, I think.
Thanks Benny and Garry. I now know for sure what I need to do. Now I just have to get it to work. haha
yep, i agree with garry. You could just run the pre into your mixers line inputs. Alternatively, your software program should have a monitor button on each individual track...or somewhere near by. Which program are you using?
I'm running Cubase VST. My A/D converter that I use to get sound into the computer is a MOTU 24i. I do know that the MOTU has a little monitoring type section that might let me do this. I know Cubase has monitoring sections too but I guess I've just never really had to address this issue before. I'm trying to figure it out. I really appreciate you guys help.